Post Workout Breakfast help PLEASE

Hi all

Im starting to feel the effects of Insanity (2 workouts left) and I find myself losing weight (great), burning more calories (greater!) but becoming a lot more tired after the workout and throughout the day (not so great).

Based on my goal weight loss, MFP has advised i eat 1700 cals a day (plus burnt off cals) and my breakfast has stayed the same since I started Insanity. it looks like this

417 cals
Nespresso Pod Coffee
Large Banana
250 low fat choc milk for recovery
Anywhere from 500ml-1l of water.

My workouts burn anywhere from 500 cals on the easy days to over 1000 on the toughest days. Avg burn would be 750-850. I work out 6 days a week.

Can anyone recommend any foods or drinks I can throw into the mix to help me re-up sooner?

If its of any help, my first snack after the workouts is usually after 3 hours and is usually just a muselli bar and some rice snacks

thanks in advance
