Baby weight

Koozy81 Posts: 250 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I had a baby on January 30th, so she's almost 3 months old and things have finally calmed down now to where ive found the time (and alittle of the energy) to get back into shape, i gained 50 lbs during pregnancy and im grossed out....hopefully this website, eating changes, and my new gym membership will get me into gear! lol


  • Koozy81
    Koozy81 Posts: 250 Member
    I had a baby on January 30th, so she's almost 3 months old and things have finally calmed down now to where ive found the time (and alittle of the energy) to get back into shape, i gained 50 lbs during pregnancy and im grossed out....hopefully this website, eating changes, and my new gym membership will get me into gear! lol
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Hi and welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I have a 1 year old, and I actually lost 25 lbs during my pregnancy. It doesn't sound as good as it was though, because that involved throwing up for WEEKS!

    Anyway, I hope this site helps you as much as it has helped me. I am on my way to losing 65 lbs (5 down so far). Make sure to log in everything you eat, especially at first. Some of the calories on things is a real eye-opener! :noway:
  • Hi there... congrats on the new little one and the start of a new life... This site is great... if you follow the program you will lose weight... just make sure to add in everything you eat and DRINK... a lot of people drink their cals without even knowing it...
    Good luck to you
  • Sinnettfamily
    Sinnettfamily Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome. :flowerforyou: I gained mine with each pregancy. I had my daughter I gained 10 got pregnant again and had my son 18 months later. Gained 35 lbs haven't lossed any until I came to this site. I have lossed 24lbs since January. So you can do it. This website is so easy to use and helpful and everyone here is so nice and supportive!
  • FITBY30
    FITBY30 Posts: 39 Member
    it will!i have three daughters. 9, 6 and 9 months now. i gained 95 with my first! 75 with my second and 55 with my third some women just get big when they get prego, my doctor had me on a stritct diet and water areobics with my last 2, but i still got big! weight gain is over, now its time to enjoy the baby, cuz the cute and cuddly faze doesnt last forever! pretty soon, theyll be asking for money, talking back and stuffing their bra( i caught my oldest last week...she said the girls in class were doing it to be cool, i swear what is happening to peoples body image these days its terrible!)so, find an exercise that works for you, really keep track of what you put in your mouth, and be really aware that how you feel about yourself, affects what kind of a mom you are:wink:
  • mrshamm
    mrshamm Posts: 62
    Congrat on the baby, I know how you feel I gained over 50 with my son. I got almost all but about 20 pounds off using this website. Good luck!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Congrats on your baby!! Welcome to the site, I'm trying to lose my baby weight too! Good luck!
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