Letting go. How does it feel?

k2charmed4u Posts: 282
edited September 21 in Success Stories
How does it feel to see the progress you've made for the benefit of yourself?

Looking back at what you used to be/weigh and think I can't BELIEVE I used to be like that! WHY didn't I make the change sooner.

I feel great, I look great (well a hell of a lot better than I used to) and most of all I want to stay that way.

What were the things you had to let go of? That one really big thing that held you back to make a change for the better?

For me it was my lack of confidence to make a difference and to say NO! I DON'T NEED IT. I broke away forced myself to be independant I travelled to Australia alone built my confidence, forced myself to like myself and talk to people. It was the turning point for me and travelled all over by myself. When I figured that out, I moved out! Away from my parents into my own place.
My parents always bought crisps, biscuits and my mother cooked some huge portion sizes. Too much temptation! Combined with the "CLEAN YOUR PLATE" syndrom we are drilled with as kids. Even with all that I still managed to lose 25lbs because I cycled 22 miles a day too and from work and loved it. Even though it took me a year to lose it.

But now I live alone. I walk to work, I don't buy crisps or biscuits and I control my portions. I don't miss it at all. I don't miss all that food. I eat when i'm hungry and that's it and I feel great. Because of that i've lost 13lbs in 3 months.

So what held you back from feeling and looking the best you can be?


  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    Hmm, the things I had to let go of? I'd have to say all the emotional baggage that my ex-husband gave me. I had to stop carrying his belief that I'd "never lose weight." or that I'm "a quitter". It helps a lot that my boyfriend loves me for me, fat or thin. Also now that I've explained to my sweetie that I'm not on a "diet" but a calorie budget, he doesn't seem to feel like I'm depriving myself (which is how I feel too!), and has been INCREDIBLY supportive!

    It's extra hard sometimes because some of the food I keep around the house is for my son who is battling (and beating!) leukemia. Because of his medicines there are some foods he craves and others he can't stand. But it's gotten much easier with MFP since I can actually SEE what I'm doing to myself.
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I guess I was held back by laziness. I started gaining weight when I went to college and I was a typical lazy college kid so I never did anything about it. Even after I wasn't taking classes and was working full time I still held the same mentality that off time was for having fun. Then I moved to VA and for about a year and a half it was a combination of being lazy and being depressed about my life. I was so down about leaving all of my friends and over a previous relationship, then I hated the job I had and on top of it I beat myself up over my weight. Earlier this year when I got a better job I finally cut out all the laziness. I quit letting all my time waste away on WoW and I made the decision to watch how I eat. And that was the key. I don't miss who I was then at all: irresponsible, depressed, unmotivated, and lazy. My down time is more enjoyable now that I earn it, rather just have it all the time.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Hmm, the things I had to let go of? I'd have to say all the emotional baggage that my ex-husband gave me. I had to stop carrying his belief that I'd "never lose weight." or that I'm "a quitter". It helps a lot that my boyfriend loves me for me, fat or thin. Also now that I've explained to my sweetie that I'm not on a "diet" but a calorie budget, he doesn't seem to feel like I'm depriving myself (which is how I feel too!), and has been INCREDIBLY supportive!

    LOVE the "Calorie Budget!" This is great and how i need to think of all this!
  • dion07
    dion07 Posts: 16 Member
    what holds me back is my job, i work for a catering company, surrounded by all types of food all day long, would give anything to be more in control with my diet whilist around these foods, any tips from anyone in similar situation...
  • what holds me back is my job, i work for a catering company, surrounded by all types of food all day long, would give anything to be more in control with my diet whilist around these foods, any tips from anyone in similar situation...

    I feel your pain, I work at a Subway and get free 6" ones on my break... It's not really exactly the same, but it's still hard to be in control when there's free food about. I just have to be aware of how many calories are in things by checking them up and thinking if it's worth wasting my precious calories on. Usually, it's not.
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