Best - HRM or activity trackers?

Hello! I know several others have asked a similar question but after reading those responses and doing some online searching, I am still at loss as to what to purchase.

What has been your experiences with:

HRM with Chest Strap
HRM with finger sensor

Activity tracker

If possible, please include the brand or model you use and explanation as to why you enjoy it. For example:

Nike+ FuelBand SE - I love it because it syncs to my iphone and tells me how active I am. I realized I burned calories while taking the stairs at work and wow... etc.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I had a HRM watch that I had to touch to take a reading - that lasted a few weeks before I realized I should have spent a little more and gotten something with a chest strap.

    I've had a New Balance N4 watch/chest strap for 2-3 years now and am happy with it. In my research I also looked at the Polar models - both had great reviews. I bought on eBay, and the New Balance came up first, so that's what I got. :smile:

    If you search HRM or heart rate monitor here on the boards, and read reviews on Amazon, you'll find tons of info.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I used to use a Polar HRM a lot and liked it. I haven't used it in years. I like my Fitbit a lot now. They're kind of two different tools for two different things, though.

    I wouldn't bother with a HRM without a chest strap. A 'spot pulse reading' isn't going to tell you much. You won't get calorie burn estimates from it.

    The Withings Pulse is an activity monitor (like the Fitbit) but with a spot pulse checker, if that combo appeals to you. I think it might be cool to track your resting heart rate over time, because it will go down as fitness increases. Other than that, I don't see much use for spot pulse checks. Or if I did, I'd check mine with my hand, I guess.