Anyone else eat the food their kids leave behind?

I make toast for my kids, they eat what they can, and there is about a slice left (if you take all their broken, yet edible pieces and combine them).

How can I just throw this away? (assuming kiddos are healthy)---its like watching dollars flush down the toilet.

I won't force them to finish as that is not my personal parenting style.

So, I eat their scraps. Am I alone in this? I know this is one of the major red flags as to why I can't lose weight.

If anyone else does this--how or what do you tell yourself or do to help ease the pain of wasting it. I have a 3, 2, and 8 month old--I don't have time to ask each one how many slices of toast they want--I make two slices, cut it in fours and hand it to them--the toddlers eat as much as their bodies allow before they run around with buckets on their heads and bang into my walls--but there is ALWAYS left over food...which goes directly to the party in my tummy...yummy, yummy... :-/


  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    I usually save the scraps, n if they dont eventually eat it it gets a lot easier for me because I'm a vegetarian and they aren't, so if it touched meat, or there is a possibility it did, I won't touch it.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    no, you are not alone there. I actually think it is a left over from the conditioning in my youth. Although I am trying to plate up more appropriate portions for the kids and if they like it they can have seconds. I don't want to instil the 'you must empty the plate before you can leave the table' idea, because I struggle with this to this day, which would be fine if plates were getting smaller, but alas it's the other way and my bottom can attest to this. I am getting quite good at home with using smaller plates, but going out to eat I will always finish my plate unless I find the food so revolting that I'd be sick.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    No, mothers have been doing this for generations! This made me LOL! My mother complained of this and then I did it for my kids. My MFP friends with young children blame their over indulgence on not letting food go to waste because of kids. When we tell our kids to finish that last half of a grilled cheese sandwich, it's because we know we will eat it if they leave it. LOL!
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    -the toddlers eat as much as their bodies allow before they run around with buckets on their heads and bang into my walls--

    That made me laugh. My 10 month old puts her bowl on her head! I'm trying so hard not to eat her little bits of finger foods that she doesn't want. I have to ask myself if the money I'm "saving" is worth the extra pounds. I also want to create the habit of not eating what she leaves. Today it's little finger foods - in a few years it will be real food!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I used too. Not since I started losing weight 9 months ago though. Just make a small portion instead of too much since there is always left over. That way there is not so much to waste. Losing weight to me and once I hit goal is way too important for me to strive towards and keep than to eat the food off of their plate.i have 4 kids and a husband who aren't eating like me and that is okay. I just say no and stick to a plan. I work a lot and pack my breakfast, lunch, and snack if need be to have my food planned out for success everyday.