Need good low carb/high protien ideas

My families favorite is McCormick's slow cooker pulled pork, but i substitute 3 tablespoons Stevia for the 1/2 c brown sugar...I have to make 4-5 pounds at a time to make sure we have leftovers...which go in the freezer in 3 oz baggies which are great for grabbing for lunches or a quick dinner. I also use it on chicken, as the chicken one is too spicy for my family.

My kids eat it on buns, DH and I eat it on salad with a bit of a creamy dressing (I like light blue cheese or ranch) or in 1/2 of a red, orange or yellow pepper. We do the same with Taco meat and Sloppy Joe meat (walmart brand is way better than any other!!!)...way yummy!

What is your favorite family friendly recipe?