Hello first month and ready to get back into shape

Hello everyone. I am so glad to have found this place. Myfitnesspal is becoming a really really useful and educating tool for me. My goal is to stay at my current weight 165lbs which i feel is optimal for me at my height of 5'8 but get my self back down to at least 12% body fat if not under 10% but no less then 8%. I used to struggle to keep weight on and always felt a little scrawny at the levels i competed. I used to struggle to get over 145lbs. I used to do varsity sports in highschool and for a few years varsity track in college until i was 20 but then dug deeper into my work and stopped workout now I am 25 now so its been 5 years and this is my first month back to the gym and still have the heart to workout like i used to but I definately feel weaker in stamina. when i was at my peak in college i was 140lbs at 8% bf. which was very light for sprinter.

It actually feels like i may be working out a little to much to keep my self at 165 because I have to eat a crap load to keep me at this weight. I guess I still struggle to keep the weight on. I payed when I started to get my fat tested at the gym and they say I am 18% bf which is 10% more then I was in college so no to bad but my biggest problem is I have to eat a hell of a lot to keep my self at 165. I am starting to feel heart burn quite often due to how much i am eating.

I have been averaging this first month 4 days a week playing 2.5 hours of basketball full court games and 3 days a week lifting and 3 days a week i run a mile. I am actually starting to worry the amount of I like to play basketball and run is counter acting my lifting idk we will see in a few months how effective this really is. anyone have any recommendations on my diet on how i can get still gain muscle and loose fat when i burn this many calories. I feel like sometimes i am risking loosing muscle with how much I run and play basketball. but I love the sport and honestly the better shape in the more i am going to play it. I wouldn't have a problem ending up playing it 5-7 times a week once i am in good enough shape to recover fast enough.

I try to eat around 180 grams of protein a day and keep my saturated fats under 25 and my fiber above 25 and keep my meals calories even through out the day. Any other recommendations on what i should do?

I think some of you on here may have more experience burning that many calories then i do.

When i was younger in college i could live off of italian pastries and the amount i worked out i would still not gain a pound of anything other then muscle. But my bodies not the same its started to age and i accept my quality of my diet will at this age effect my performance in getting myself into shape at this age.

Thank You. The past few years have been stressful getting through college and finding a stable job so thats why I stopped working out and put my energy into that but now that I have found a great job and I am back to enjoying sports I really really miss the strength and stamina I used to have and look forward to getting back into that shape maybe since i way more now and can hold more weight maybe even better shape. I mean even if i end up at the same bf i used to be at a higher weight i know i wont even compete with my old times( best 100 time was 10.37) since there was a lot more to it then muscle and fat ratio and i am not doing any of my sprint training any more. I feel bad but i barely even remember my start and stride but i guess 5 years will do that to muscle memory. But i just look forward to getting back into shape and looking more fit.

Thank You and look forward to all the advice.