Cardio works - tell me tell me

I am so lazy. In spite of being super compliant with my food of late, I cannot bring myself to go to the gym to do cardio. I have about 25-30 lbs left to lose. I am hoping to hear from some people who feel cardio really helped them in that last push to lose. Please tell me it's not a useless exercise. ;-9


  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    You lose weight simply by having a 3500 calorie deficit to burn a pound. Cardio helps you build that deficit which make losing weight easier since you have more a choice on what you can eat. Also its good for your heart.

    Now get on that treadmill.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    It does. But so does weight lifting. You just have to do something other than sitting on da butt all day.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    All you need to lose the weight is a calorie deficit. I run because I love the mental clearing it gives me. I lift because I love being strong, and love the body it gives. Up to you whether you simply want to be a smaller version of your current body, or improve your overall physique.
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I like to do cardio so I can eat more! Just do it, you know it's good for you!
  • You need to find a cardio activity you like. Maybe try some fitness classes at your gym. Do you have a pool? I love swimming for cardio exercise. i HATE running. I don't mine the stepper, elliptical or rowing machine. You might get bored on one so try switching it up and doing a few minutes on different machines. Cardio helped me when i had a lot more to lose.
  • This is true about cardio that cardio activity is perfect for losing weight. There are many cardio exercises that are good for fitness but these are most effective and useful cardio like running,jogging,jumping rope,swimming,cycling and yoga.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you're bored of cardio, do some resistance/strength training...
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Weight loss comes from mostly from diet. Yes, you can get a boost in your loss through some calorie burn.

    Recent studies have shown that a High Intensity Interval Training program can be more effective than standard cardio in boosting fat loss. So the good news is you can get what you need in less time.

    You should also consider lifting weights (heavy) to help build/keep muscle mass as you lose.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Try kettlebells instead? Cardio and weights all at once...
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I do 2 to 3 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    i walk, run, roller blade, ice skate, snowshoe, cycle, swim, canoe, paddle board
    i try to find something new and exciting every day, i love change!
    and every sport moves different muscles!
    cardio lovers, add me!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am so lazy. In spite of being super compliant with my food of late, I cannot bring myself to go to the gym to do cardio. I have about 25-30 lbs left to lose. I am hoping to hear from some people who feel cardio really helped them in that last push to lose. Please tell me it's not a useless exercise. ;-9

    Don't go to the gym. Go for a run or a bike ride or a swim, play soccer or ultimate or anything that gets your heart-rate up and your sweat on. Your exercise time should be your play time, have fun!

    Weight loss comes from controlling what you stuff down your gullet, exercise is for fitness and health (and becomes increasingly important as we age).
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I am so lazy. In spite of being super compliant with my food of late, I cannot bring myself to go to the gym to do cardio. I have about 25-30 lbs left to lose. I am hoping to hear from some people who feel cardio really helped them in that last push to lose. Please tell me it's not a useless exercise. ;-9

    Don't go to the gym. Go for a run or a bike ride or a swim, play soccer or ultimate or anything that gets your heart-rate up and your sweat on. Your exercise time should be your play time, have fun!

    Weight loss comes from controlling what you stuff down your gullet, exercise is for fitness and health (and becomes increasingly important as we age).

    +1. Run outside and explore, learn to love your workouts and you'll find maintenance much easier when it comes to it because it won't be a chore to keep up with a regular fitness routine (and hell, it lets you eat more - what better motivation could you find?! :wink: ). I find cardio in the gym to be extremely boring and consequently a lot more difficult to maintain, even with a television in front of me. If I'm out for a bike ride or a run, however, I'm usually a lot happier to just explore, have fun and enjoy my workout.
  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    Love cardio. Its part of my weekly routine. Love strength training also but after a good long cardio session, i just feel super awesome overall. The body feels like it has gone through alot and so after a nice cool shower, you come out feeling on top of the world. I to have bouts of laziness but i combat it by knowing that the scale will drop slightly every time after a long(40-120mins) cardio session.

    When i reach goal, I want to look and feel fit NOT just look fit, which is why i add cardio to my weekly exercise routine. Cardio does not always have to be boring, change it up example, swimming, mountain bike riding, sprint training, boxing etc. These are just some examples of cardio. Jogging is not all that!!

    Usual routine is Mon/Wed/Fri=Cardio, Tues/Thur/Sat = Strength Training. Sun=rest or stretching/yoga/pilates.
  • Cardio helps a lot to lose weight, it burns fat. Cardio alone will not make wonders you have to do also bodyweight exercises or lift weight to burn fat, tone and create muscle. The more muscle you have to more fat you burn.
    But this must be followed with a great diet. Try to eat clean or as healthy possible and you will great results. Diet is 70% and exercise is 30%. This really works, I promise!
  • Try to do cardio exercises you like, you can dance hip hop, run, swim, jump rope, do kickboxing, football, volleyball, basketball, or any other exercises that elevates you heart rate.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    OP - If you think cardio is useless then I'm wondering what you think it is for?

    Is it a weight loss tool?
    Well it can be - my tracker shows 261,440 exercise calories burned this year (daily av = 762). Although you can't out exercise a bad diet 261,440 divided by 3,500 is 74 so it's made one hell of a difference!!

    Is it good for for heart, lungs and circulation?
    Clearly yes.

    Is it how you lose weight?
    No - that's a calorie deficit.

    For me it's about health, fitness and enjoying activities such as cycling. It's also an area where I can push myself to new personal bests despite being an old git. 100 mile cycle, VO2 max in a good range for someone in their twenties (30 years younger than me!) as examples.

    Primary reason for me though is health, having a Mum dreadfully restricted by a heart attack and a sister dying of a lung condition focusses the mind on doing all you can to hold on to the health you have for as long as you can.

    As others have said - if you dislike cardio training in the gym get outdoors, play a sport - do something you enjoy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Weight loss comes from mostly from diet. Yes, you can get a boost in your loss through some calorie burn.

    Recent studies have shown that a High Intensity Interval Training program can be more effective than standard cardio in boosting fat loss. So the good news is you can get what you need in less time.

    You should also consider lifting weights (heavy) to help build/keep muscle mass as you lose.


    also think rock climbing? swimming? check out strong man stuff- that'll get your heart going!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    You lose weight simply by having a 3500 calorie deficit to burn a pound. Cardio helps you build that deficit which make losing weight easier since you have more a choice on what you can eat. Also its good for your heart.

    Now get on that treadmill.

    ^ This

    Also, cardio is good for your heart...the only reason I do it as I'm not a huge fan. Add some lifting!!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Could you commute to work by cycling instead? 2 birds, 1 stone etc...