Starving on diet while breastfeeding!!



  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for your help. I can't seem to find the right caloric intake for myself to lose while breastfeeding. How much time should I give a certain amount before I try a new one?
    I guess there really is no huge rush to lose weight, but I'm just scared of gaining. It also gets discouraging working out every night and not seeing results.
    I used to lose weight with an ED which I over came the moment I became pregnant with my daughter. So this whole losing weight the right way thing is very new to me. I did great at gaining steadily while pregnant! I just don't know how to lose steadily now that I'm not.

    Hi it sounds like you are doing a great job overall. You have a good milk supply, you are back to your pre-pregnancy weight. So if as you say there is no huge rush to lose [more] weight and you are just scared of gaining, then perhaps just stick to the calories you need to maintain your current weight. I assume that your baby is getting enough milk to be happy as well. Once you start weaning you can gradually think about trying to lose weight (if that is still your goal at that point).