People w/ED's, bipolar, depression, insomnia, etc.?



  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    You know what the saddest is of it all: Just by replying here I see my friends list drop. How harsh can people be? I guess that is one of the reasons not many will say it out loud openly.

    Anyone who unfriends you just for being honest about yourself doesn't deserve to be on your friends list!

    I totally agree with you and that's why I want to be honest. If that doesn't suit others that's up to them, but sad it is. Not so long ago I had a nice chitchat with someone through mailing, but as soon as I said I am autistic it became totally silent on the other side. Did it really make a difference? Am I suddenly not so nice anymore?An autist suppose to be not so good socially, but seeing these kinds of reactions I wonder who is less social...
  • patientlylosing
    recovering/ on and off relapsing anorexic. keeping track of my calories helps me manage my anxiety about food and weight gain. feel free to add! (:
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I have agoraphobia , ptsd and depression

    been battling for about 11 years now hiii hello hi :)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Feel free to add me if anyone posting here wishes to. New friends and shared experiences are always good.
  • DiannaLouize
    DiannaLouize Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new to this too!
    I'm Dianna. I'm 31, been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I'm being treated for that along with moderate to severe anxiety. I'm a recovering anorexic. I've been battling this thing since I had my son in 2005. At 5'4", medium frame, I slipped below 100lbs by 2006 and eventually had to seek inpatient treatment in 2007. I spent 6 weeks at Shades of Hope treatment center near Abilene, Tx. My time at Shades was one of the most difficult experiences I've been through but it honestly saved my life.
    Statistically most people with an ED also suffer from one or more additional mental illnesses.
    I'm here if anyone wants to message me! I need friends on this thing too :)