Yummy McDonald's??



  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Agreed...but still...eating fat/skin/internal organs nuggets doesn't sounds too appealing to me, whatever how good they can make them taste!

    I'm pretty sure that way back before places like McDonald's existed eating fat/skin/internal organs was fairly normal. If you had to raise, kill, and butcher your own animal you pretty much ate all of it.
  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    Agreed...but still...eating fat/skin/internal organs nuggets doesn't sounds too appealing to me, whatever how good they can make them taste!

    I'm pretty sure that way back before places like McDonald's existed eating fat/skin/internal organs was fairly normal. If you had to raise, kill, and butcher your own animal you pretty much ate all of it.

    I personally wouldn't but yeah I'm sure some would...to each its own I guess!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I had a McDonald's burger in France once and it tasted like a burger you'd get at a fine steakhouse in the States.

    I ate hamburgers in the Netherlands from McDonald's and now can't give blood thanks to mad cow disease...

    I would rather have the pink slime thanks.
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    Agreed...but still...eating fat/skin/internal organs nuggets doesn't sounds too appealing to me, whatever how good they can make them taste!

    I'm pretty sure that way back before places like McDonald's existed eating fat/skin/internal organs was fairly normal. If you had to raise, kill, and butcher your own animal you pretty much ate all of it.

    Haggis anyone? Scrapple anyone? Skin, organs, leftovers? Sounds good to me.

    Side note: Don't make fun of Scrapple. I grew up on that loaf of leftover parts. I LOVE It.
  • papetto
    papetto Posts: 46 Member
    I don't eat McDonald's unless I'm severely intoxicated or being peer pressured by family & it's a dire emergency. Lol.
  • papetto
    papetto Posts: 46 Member
    Agreed...but still...eating fat/skin/internal organs nuggets doesn't sounds too appealing to me, whatever how good they can make them taste!

    I'm pretty sure that way back before places like McDonald's existed eating fat/skin/internal organs was fairly normal. If you had to raise, kill, and butcher your own animal you pretty much ate all of it.

    Haggis anyone? Scrapple anyone? Skin, organs, leftovers? Sounds good to me.

    Side note: Don't make fun of Scrapple. I grew up on that loaf of leftover parts. I LOVE It.

    Scrapple reminds me of Snapple...the combination...oh Lord...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Strong copy pasta...

    ...and by that I mean plagiarism. Attribution to the actual author would have been nice. This appears to be *a* source: http://politicalblindspot.com/hamburger-chef-jamie-oliver-proves-mcdonalds-burgers-unfit-for-human-consumption/ but honestly, citing *any* source would have been better than nothing.

    Also, how did you avoid hearing about this when it first happened?

    ETA: I see that you gave a cite later in the thread...so thanks for that. (For some people, citing work without proper attribution is a Very Bad Thing™. I'm one of those people.)

    Edit: because I'm pretty sure my link to *a* source isn't actually to the *original*

    ETAM: It appears that David Warner is the original author. I couldn't find the publishing origin though.
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    Strong copy pasta...

    ...and by that I mean plagiarism. Attribution to the actual author would have been nice. This appears to be the original source: http://politicalblindspot.com/hamburger-chef-jamie-oliver-proves-mcdonalds-burgers-unfit-for-human-consumption/ but honestly, citing *any* source would have been better than nothing.

    Also, how did you avoid hearing about this when it first happened?

    I did quote original article after...forgot to do so in the first place. Mi Scusi to all plagiarism Hitlers in this world!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    i just threw up a little..

    As did I.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Strong copy pasta...

    ...and by that I mean plagiarism. Attribution to the actual author would have been nice. This appears to be the original source: http://politicalblindspot.com/hamburger-chef-jamie-oliver-proves-mcdonalds-burgers-unfit-for-human-consumption/ but honestly, citing *any* source would have been better than nothing.

    Also, how did you avoid hearing about this when it first happened?

    I did quote original article after...forgot to do so in the first place. Mi Scusi to all plagiarism Hitlers in this world!

    I didn't think you were claiming all that as your own so don't worry about it....lol.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Jamie Oliver's done some excellent programmes! I remember the one showing how chicken nuggets were made. Yuck. It makes me incredibly glad that I've been to McDonald's about 5 times total in my entire life! And I've never had a beef burger, just chicken. Although I'm sure that's not much better! I'm very glad I have parents who wouldn't let us go there! My 4 and 2 year old don't even know it exists!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I had a McDonald's burger in France once and it tasted like a burger you'd get at a fine steakhouse in the States.

    While we're giving anecdotal evidence, I've eaten McDonalds in :


    I don't recall any of them tasting particularly better than any others. They were all reasonably priced, ok tasting burgers.

    I can back up your anecdotal evidence with a +1 for England and France, anyway.

    When I visited Paris, I quickly came to the conclusion that they had no idea what a burger is supposed to taste like - at least the cafes that weren't crazy expensive didn't. McDonalds there wasn't any better than home, but it was better than the non-fast food hamburgers over there that were just dripping with grease. The oily fried egg on top did not help. Paris has awesome street sandwiches and crepes, bread, french cooking (duh). Not hamburgers. At least, they didn't 20-some-odd years ago.
  • eugovogue
    I had a McDonald's burger in France once and it tasted like a burger you'd get at a fine steakhouse in the States.

    I ate hamburgers in the Netherlands from McDonald's and now can't give blood thanks to mad cow disease...

    I would rather have the pink slime thanks.

    Still doesn't mean ny particular burger wasn't tasty on that particular day in a completely different country. Cool out with the snark and enjoy your pink slime.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Wow, this is OLD news.


    That's dated Feb 2012. Almost two years ago.

    I wonder why the site the OP quoted waited 18 months (dated Aug 2013) to publish this. Maybe so that it would be a bit easier to claim that mainstream media ignored it. Although any sensible adult could do a quick google check and find it wasn't the case (it took me all of 10 seconds). In case you didn't notice, that link is for abc, one of the large national networks in the U.S. Not exactly a case for it being ignored in mainstream media.


    ETA: I hate McDonald's and don't eat there if there is any other option at all (usually there is!) so I'm not defending a beloved food stop.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I am certainly not going to defend mc Donald's and their mass produced industrial, processed food products. I prefer real food, and cooking things myself. But, a few things mentioned in OP's post bugs me.

    1) what's wrong with eating the whole part of animals, like snout to tail eating? Are we supposed to eat only the chicken breast, and throw the remaining carcass in the garbage bin? Snout to tail eating is healthier I think, different nutrients in different parts of the animal. And reduces waste.
    2) the use of alkaline ingredients is used in other cooking techniques. For example, the Mayans have used lime for centuries to make corn tortillas, which breaks down the corn, releasing nutrients and making the food more digestible.
  • BrandNewMeBy30
    I need to quit eating fast food all together and eat at home. Thanks for the extra "push"
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Still doesn't mean ny particular burger wasn't tasty on that particular day in a completely different country. Cool out with the snark and enjoy your pink slime.


    "Cool out with the snark and [here's some snark]."

    Oh, MFP. Don't ever change.

    Don't. Ever. Change.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    If I were to have seen this last year, I probably would have quit going to McDonalds completely. Or tried, anyways...
    Unfortunately, my time of freaking out about what companies do to our foods has ended. What's that word some people use, desensitization?
    Yes, what they do to their food is terrible, I'll admit. But when you look at it, honestly, so is everything else most companies do to our foods. They put in so many harmful substances, it's almost impossible to tell what you should eat versus what you shouldn't anymore, especially with all the ways companies have become skilled at getting around food labeling to make their poison sound relatively healthy and "natural."
    The only way you can be 100% safe is if you grow everything yourself, basically. Even then, with pollution, it may still have its downsides.
    I don't really know why I'm still ranting, what I hope to gain through this, I just... I hate the food industry. Gah. They're so corrupt, it's all about money and nothing else.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    No one is forcing anyone to eat it.

    We go there maybe once a month. My boys have a nugget happy meal with chocolate milk, yogurt, apple slices and french fries, and then they go play for half an hour to an hour. Perhaps other places should up their game and provide an indoor playground, but until then a maybe once a month handful of nuggets won't kill them.

    I grew up helping with butchering various animals, one being the pig. Part of that process was cleaning and rinsing out the intestines to use as sausage casing. And guess what, we purposefully put fat into the sausage mix, otherwise they are too dry. While I always peel the casing off, many people happily eat it along with the sausage. People also eat chicken skin all the time, KFC, anyone? And did you know that Health Canada's advice for international travel includes not eating lettuce or other raw vegetables that havent been cleaned in bleach water.
    The only problem with McDonald's is people weren't specifically told.