Girls who lift help! Weight loss? Bulk/cut? How do I start?



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Also, if you want that hourglass figure, you'll want to avoid excessive amounts of direct core work.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! Definitely working on getting lean first, while strength training. I'll wait for the bulk.
    I know I can't spot reduce; it just that considering how I look, there's basically nothing to get rid of from the waist up!

    I'm really grateful for all the insight. MFP's People rock!

    I'm a pear, I liked my upper body when I started lifting didn't like the lower parts. But apart from the fact that training the whole body makes more sense, is more beneficial for your health and your fat burning ability (more muscle more fat burned) think about it this way: the more muscle you put on the top the more you are going to equal out your lower part. I'm still a pear, my butt is still big and I'm unsure I will ever see any muscle definition on my thighs/butt without dropping to an insanely low bf%, but my shoulders are bigger now which makes me look more even, so my butt doesn't seem as big anymore
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hi there!!!

    I love, love, love the looks of all you girls around here who lift heavy. And I want something like that for me...
    I just don't know where to start.
    Because I had to make some decisions, prior asking for help, I choose the Bret Contreras Strong Curves program. As a way to begin strength training, focusing on lower body.

    My overall goal is to get rid of fat, build muscles and make them appear. Especially butt and legs.

    That's were it gets tricky for me. Where do I start?
    - Do I strength train (heavy or not?) while eating at a deficit to get rid of as much fat as I can then bulk and cut (assuming I finally understand how it exactly works...)
    - Do I figure out now how to bulk and cut and start right away?
    - Do I eat at maintenance in the hope to preserve some kind of muscles while getting rid of fat?

    I know I can't build muscles in a deficit even though I'm completely new to strength training.

    Here are the stats, if needed to help me:
    32 years old
    CW: 155lbs (soooooo pear shaped!)
    GW: 125-130lbs (with an hourglass figure if I can dream!)
    44%bodyfat. Wich sucks!!!
    I've lost about 30lbs so far. Now, I'm not only still fat but also flabby. Wich sucks even more.

    Any advice? Please!! I wanna be hot like all of you girls here! Guys, any insight is more than welcome!!

    squats. Lots of heavy squats. I honestly do not know where my body fat was a year ago--it was more than my scale could handle! Right now it is between 27% and 41% by tape measure, depending on which formula you use ( I prefer the ones with the most measurements).

    When I started out, I had big huge jiggly thighs and a flat butt. I did lots of weighted squats as part of my workout, and I looked in the mirror one day and realized I HAVE a butt, and my thighs have muscle. PM me if you would like to see some progress pics.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Agree with everything above. I am lifting heavy stronglifts 5x5 and eating at a deficit. I think my deficit is too large as I am losing strength now and feel tired a lot but then I am working 48 hours this week on nights. I also run too and burn between 2500 and 3200 calories a day. I currently eat 1700 so need to experiment a bit. Feel free to add me if you want.