My weight loss has stalled

Pleas help my weight loss has stalled

I am a recently retired 6 foot 3 inch 63 year old man. I started slimming 6 weeks ago weighing18 stone 11 pounds. in the first three weeks I lost nearly 20 pounds. In the last three weeks I have lost nothing. My MFP daily calorie allowance is 1480 calories per day, over a week I average 1380 calories per day and have done so since I started.

I don't expect miracles, a steady one or two pounds a week loss will be fine. I also know that high losses when you begin slimming are quite common but this stall has started to get on my nerves.

I walk (moderate pace) for three miles twice a week and will be getting an exercise bike next week to get more of a cardio work out at home.

All suggestions as to how I can kick things back into gear very welcome.



  • prdough
    prdough Posts: 76 Member
    try eating a bunch of fiber and drink a smoothy with only fresh fruit and vegetables and maybe some greek yogurt for dinner for a couple of days, avoiding salt as much as possible. Drink lots of water!

    Hopefully that can shed some water weight out of you pretty quickly and make the scale move. I think if you aren't eating enough your body might be holding on to some water.

    And make sure you are measuring and not underestimating foods!

    I hit a week long stall and did only smoothies and fruits and vegetables for 2 days and I felt like it flushed all the water weight out of me and re energized my efforts.

    we have close to the same stats, as I'm 6'4, 259 lbs as of today. Seems like you're calorie limits are awfully low. My goal is set at 1700, and I had to manually bring it down from 1900 that MFP wanted me to be at.

    Giver er a shot!
  • dc5729
    dc5729 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, I will give your ideas a serous try. MFP reduced my recommended daily calorie intake after I logged the first three weeks.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    An adult male should be consuming about 1800 calories minimum. Eating less is stressing your body out trying to maintain function. All you lose by under eating is muscle mass and that isn't what you want.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Congratulations on your 19 pounds lost!

    If you open you diary, we might be able to give you more concrete advice.

    Could it be that you are not eating as low calories as you think you might be? This happens when our exercise calories are overestimated, or we underestimate the food we eat by not weighting and measuring everything.

    It also seems to me that a calorie goal of 1400-something is just a bit low for someone of your height and weight (I notice you are trying to lose 80 pounds?).
  • dc5729
    dc5729 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks I will open my diary and look at my profile again. Glad to say that I did loose a pound last week
  • Ortax
    Ortax Posts: 98
    Readjust your calories
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks I will open my diary and look at my profile again. Glad to say that I did loose a pound last week

    I looked at you food and exercise diaries and nothing off jumps out at me. You said you lost a pound last week. Just make sure you measure all luquids and weigh all solid foods. Sometimes our eye estimations lie to us. Be patient too. :smile:
  • dc5729
    dc5729 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the advice SLLRunner. Must say I haven't weighed or measured anything so far plus haven't been recording milk in tea at all

    Also while I have managed to drastically reduce my sweet (candy) consumption and recording when I did, I have gradually been drinking more coffee with full cream milk probably to compensate.

    I'm going to really dig in next week it's over five years since I weighed less than 17 stone (238 pounds) just 4 pounds to go. I'm going to try to get there by the 27 Dec, that will be my first weigh in after Christmas.

    I'm planning the Christmas Day family dinner now hope you might find it useful in sunny CA

    Smoked Salmon with zero cal yoghurt and cucumber dressing rice cakes and scattered seeds

    roast turkey with 97% sausage, seed and celery stuffing (dressing) roast sweet potatoes with spray olive oil Brussels sprouts with LF bacon pieces. Cauliflower purée (instead of mashed potatoes) carrots, LF baked parsnips, light gravy

    Vanilla panna cotta with fresh strawberries

    Instead of the usual wine, I'm making jugs of Pimms with low cal lemonade.

    Generous double portions of everything comes out at 2185 calories per person. I'm going to do half an hour slow and half an hour moderate pace on my exercise bike first thing in the morning and take a slow hours walk after lunch. Overall I'll be left with 117 calories under my daily target which will used up
    Munching 15 salt caramel covered expresso beans during the day washed down with green tea

    Have a great Christmas and New Year
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Just send some of that smokes salmon over to to California. MMMM, good!

    Have a wonderful Christmas, and start recording that milk your put in your coffee. It could make a difference. :bigsmile: