Christmas Presents for Nieces & Nephews



  • Brown523
    Brown523 Posts: 112 Member
    I only have 1 nephew so I do buy for him. My aunts have always bought for me and my cousins and at 32 they still do even though since I was at least 18 have been telling them they don't have to. Birthday presents included!
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    I've been wondering the same exact thing...they are in their early 20's now. I have 2 nieces and a nephew. I've always given them Christmas and birthday presents. At what age does it stop? This year...two of them now have significant others, and one has a baby. I focused the gifts on the baby. The others are getting goodie baskets--but I think I am putting much more money into the cost of the goodies than I did just buying gift cards.
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    $20 Movie Cards (early teens)
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I have 13 miffed and nephews, 9 on my husbands side. I cannot get the name drawing for gifts things to catch on so we usually do gift cards for the older ones and toys for younger ones or once we got everyone footie pjs.
  • Samquentin1
    Samquentin1 Posts: 23 Member
    I buy for my nieces and nephew, but there are three in total. I was struggling with the thought this year, my oldest son is 18, and a freshman in college (okay, so my husbands oldest, I just claim him as my own), with when does he get dropped off the gift tag name... and the Christmas card? I'm guessing when he is on his own, and out of school...

    My aunts and uncles still buy Christmas for us, and we buy for them. Usually in the $15-20 range... or if I can get a steal on Black Friday, on something that is normally more. :D

    They all understood when the kiddos were little, that we didn't have the money... so I did homemade hand scrubs, or cookie in a jar.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has nieces or nephews that they buy Christmas presents for? Do you buy a present for each kid? How much do you spend? At what age do you stop getting them presents? Would they be upset if you did not get them presents?

    When I was a kid we never got presents from my Aunts and Uncles so I didn't even think about getting presents for my nieces and nephews at first. But it seemed like my siblings expected me to get presents for their kids, so I started doing it.

    I now have 11 nieces and nephews, and I get them each a $20 present for Christmas. I also buy them Birthday presents, so we end up spending about $440 a year in presents for them. It is not really a big deal, but it seems like every year we have another kid in the family so I just keep buying more and more presents!

    Do you think it is too much, or is it normal?

    Merry Christmas!!

    unless they have very few toys(most kids have 10 times what we had as kids) I vote to just make them cookies or fudge
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I have only one sister and I have 2 nieces. I have 3 sons. When they were little we would exchange little gifts. As they got older, we only exchanged gifts if we spent the holidays together. Now my nieces have little ones, but we don't send gifts. I talked about gift giving among us and we decided a nice photo christmas card was enough. Talk about it with your family because a lot of pressure comes off when people understand how you are thinking about Christmas and gift giving. I agree with making something either for them or with them, or playing with them, or getting them a family gift everyone can enjoy together, a video and Orville Red's popcorn bowl. Keep it simple and you will find the best things about Christmas are priceless.
  • joandue
    joandue Posts: 84 Member
    I actually don't buy for my nieces and nephews any more but I buy for my great nieces and nephew. I bought for nieces and nephews until they were 18 and now I will buy for their kids until they are 18. My siblings buy for my kids also. The little ones ages 5 and under I buy something like pj's and the older ones I buy gift card