Getting out of the 300s!

I'm nearly 6 feet tall, so I "hide" the weight fairly well. No one can believe that I'm 300+ (well, 320.6 as of this morning) pounds. I've been at 300+ for nearly the past 4 years. I ballooned up to 367, and I've been hovering at 337 for the past year.

My first goal is to make it to the 3TEENS (as in 310-319), and then out of the 300s all together. I think the day 299 pops up on the scale, I'll cry tears of joy.

Any motivation and support you could provide would be great. I'm having a rough week this week...I've gotten so used to eating pure junk (pizza is my worst enemy). Last night I had a craving so bad to just give up and eat pizza since I have been doing so well, I actually got really frustrated and upset and my boyfriend hid my phone so I wouldn't. It sounds childish, but I actually realized then that I have a real problem here. It's like an addition to food, because I was stressed and it "makes me feel better."

Feel free to add me and we can share support and stories.

Help me get out of the 300s!! :)



  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I started out in the 300's (347lbs to be exact) and have slooowly worked myself down to 266 so I have been there. You can do it if you wish. While I can't tell you what to do, I can tell you what has worked for me. I still let myself have the foods I like such as burritos, cheese and, yes pizza. I just do it in much smaller portions (aside from the very occasional "splurge" day). If it won't trigger you (some people prefer to avoid this stuff all together), you can get portion controlled micowavable pizzas. I like weight watchers but there are other brands. I also like Arctic Zero which is ice cream-like but has about 219 calories in a pint vs over 1000 for most ice cream.

    While you'll probably have to be careful about what exercise you do (I still am), find something you like: Zumba, dance, epiliptical and there's always walking. I know, (oh boy do I know) that it's difficult but you can make it.
  • jenEphur
    jenEphur Posts: 33 Member
    I started out in the 300's (347lbs to be exact) and have slooowly worked myself down to 266 so I have been there. You can do it if you wish. While I can't tell you what to do, I can tell you what has worked for me. I still let myself have the foods I like such as burritos, cheese and, yes pizza. I just do it in much smaller portions (aside from the very occasional "splurge" day). If it won't trigger you (some people prefer to avoid this stuff all together), you can get portion controlled micowavable pizzas. I like weight watchers but there are other brands. I also like Arctic Zero which is ice cream-like but has about 219 calories in a pint vs over 1000 for most ice cream.

    While you'll probably have to be careful about what exercise you do (I still am), find something you like: Zumba, dance, epiliptical and there's always walking. I know, (oh boy do I know) that it's difficult but you can make it.

    Thank you for sharing! I've definitely considered lean pockets/lean cuisine or something pizza to satisfy cravings sometimes. I really appreciate your support :). I'm going to start incorporating exercise in more each day. I'm trying to get my meal schedule pretty much down, and then I'm going to work on ways to incorporate exercise into my nights after work.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Hi Jen

    You can add me as a fried for mutual support but i do feel this shodul be a two way ;process so if you are okay with that friend me

    good luck in yore journey

  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    When I started I was 289 and was 5'10" (OK welL I'm still 5'10" :))

    Take advantage of the fact that you have more to lose. It will help the weight come off quicker. You can create greater calorie deficits with "less" work when you get the hang of it.

    I will start by saying that I don't think Lean Cuisines, Lean pockets, etc are super healthy as I can't say that I believe any processed, frozen food is. HOWEVER, I think they are an absolutely fantastic option. I loved them and relied on them like crazy. I have started eating them again as I'm always looking for tasty meals on the go and a girl can only eat so many protein bars.

    Another thing is to find alternates for snacks. I love Doritos and instead eat a ton of air pop popcorn with different seasoning. This is my favorite snack. I eat hot sauce on cucumbers.

    I don't buy junk food typically and when I do have it in the house, if it's what you would consider a "trigger" food I have my husband hide it. I have no shame in doing this and he understands it. On weeks where I am not operating at high stress/low sleep I can be around naything. Other times I can't be around any food that might cause my self control to lapse. Other than that, I don't deny myself anything.

    Check out Hungry Girl for lower calorie versions of favorite foods. Make small substitutions. DO NOT EAT when you are stressed out to calm your nerves. Tell your boyfriend to take you in the bedroom instead ;) Go for a walk. ANything. You will continue to regret emotional eating. I did it last night because I was down and while I didn't go absolutely crazy I had enough to make me feel super guilty about it today.

    Good luck. Friend me if you want. Go for walks on lunch at work - or even take additional 5 or 10 minutes here or there to get moving. It's like a freight train - once you start and really start - you can't stop. If you get derailed you will get right back on track.
  • darkestdreams06
    darkestdreams06 Posts: 40 Member

    AHH!! I feel your pain girl! I am stuck with a big "3" in front, too! It is my nemesis! That ONE number seems to be holding me back SO much...Its just a freaking number, but I can't get past it. My first goal is to see that 299 on the scale again, bust outta the 300's and keep going down baby! We got this...together!
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    I too started in the 3's (348) and I am 5'7". The end of January 2013 I went to hospital or bloodwork - I got on the scale - and when I saw the number I thought someone was on it with me. I mean - I am not blind - I knew I was FAT - but Holy Moly - I didn't realize I was that fat!!! That was my turning point. I immediately stopped drinking my favorite tea (which I'd drink 4-6 red solo cups a night of - and that's a lot of carbs). Lost 43lbs from February to September 27th (gained 3 back in there somewhere - then I joined MFP on 9/27/13), and since then have lost another 26lbs. Today I am 282. I have thyroid issues, pcos, and take meds for other health issues - but MFP has been amazing!! If I can do this - ANYONE CAN!!! You can do THIS!!! You'll see 299 before you know it!! :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Short-term goals and baby steps is my best advice. I am 37, 5'8", started at 307 (age 32) and I'm now at 208.

    I see a lot of people who are over 300 and their goal weight is 130. That would never have worked for me. I needed goals like the ones you're setting to motivate me.

    As for practical tips, pre-logging can be a great way to plan out your entire day so that you aren't left with extra calories and tempted to make "bad" decisions in the evening. I have a lot of little "go to" breakfasts and lunches (nothing fancy) and I always know exactly what I'm gonna eat for lunch, so that I don't have to sit and think "Hmmmm what sounds good?" and wind up grabbing fast food at noon.

    Are you much of a cook? I like to cook and bake, and my husband has taught me a lot about lightening up favorite recipes. We eat stuff that seems just as decadent to me as my old restaurant faves, but it's way healthier and lighter. For example homemade crepes with bananas and Nutella versus a blondie brownie from Applebee's. We're talking about more than a 500 calorie difference there. Or replacing Mexican restaurant nachos with the ones we broil, using just 20 chips between us and 1-2 oz of shredded cheese, but piling on the beans, onion, avocado & fresh salsa. It can be really fun to challenge yourself in the kitchen!

    I wish you the best!!!
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    Same journey girlfriend!! I was 323 and I'm 5'11" and I'm down now! Keep up the work!!
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I'm right there with you! I am so desperate to get out of the 3's. I have found my taste for fresh homemade foods over frozen processed food. I make something on Sunday that freezes well and I put it in 1 cup serving ziploc dishes. That way when I'm running late in the morning and have no clue what to take for lunch, I can grab one of the items I fixed. I have eaten too many frozen lean cuisines or smart ones where the chicken is rubbery and nasty that I can't eat them anymore. Here is what I made today, it's really good and low calorie (it makes a lot).

    1lb lean ground beef
    1 small head of cabbage - chopped
    2 - 14.5 oz cans of diced tomatoes
    1 - 8ox can of tomato sauce
    1 large onion chopped.

    Brown the ground beef with the onions, add the tomatoes and cabbage. Bring to a boil, cover and turn the heat down to simmer until the cabbage is soft.

    I'm trying to get out of my no-exercise slump. I was doing well before Christmas and then I became a slug. So eating fresh and getting my exercise in is what I'm trying to do. Small changes. I don't have any major words of wisdom since I'm in the same boat.

    Good luck to you!
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I started out at 340 lbs... And now I am about 185 - I went from eating a lot of junk/take out to cooking everything... MFP has helped with that a lot as I can see the difference in what I cook vs the takeout stuff... I ate out at Chili's last week and thought about dessert, so I plugged it in and there was no way it was happening as all of the desserts were like 1000 calories. The first couple of months I had the most awesome food fantasies but that waned over time. I practically grew up on pizza and now I don't even think it would taste the same so I don't bother.

    you can find and make substitutions for just about anything that would be healthier and better for you than store processed food and restaurant fare. The internet is an awesome tool and I couldnt have done this without the ability to just google in some ingredients and see what comes popping out. You can make meals ahead of time and freeze them so that when you don't have time to cook, there is food that you can just throw in the microwave

    I should note that I have other dietary restrictions due to diabetes and high blood pressure so I adjust recipes into what works for me - I omit sugar and salt all the time or replace it with something else so you can see what works for you or what doesn't.

    As far as exercise goes... I didn't really exercise at all for the first couple of months while I was adjusting my diet... now I walk 3-5 miles daily and work out with a trainer. I am never going to be a gung ho gym person , so just pace yourself and find out what works for you

    So you can do it :)
  • Irishgirl07
    Irishgirl07 Posts: 5 Member
    I know this a month old thread but I was just so excited to find someone "like me" lol. Hope you don't mind but I sent a request!