Credit Card Debt Anyone?



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Two Words.... DAVE RAMSEY. If you are 20 years old and are having this problem, use the advice everyone else gave you to pay off the credit cards and then read all about what Dave Ramsey teaches and you will have no worries about your future. You are still young, and lots of people make these mistakes when they are young. I did the same thing, Dave Ramsey changed us forever!!! Don't use credit cards either, cash for everything. If you don't have the money to pay cash, YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY!!! I am sure your family will understand if they don't get an expensive gift for Christmas. After all, the holidays should not be about gifts, they should be about being with family and doing nice things for people and all that jazz ;)

    Yup, I am a big fan of Dave Ramsey and his method.
  • Two Words.... DAVE RAMSEY. If you are 20 years old and are having this problem, use the advice everyone else gave you to pay off the credit cards and then read all about what Dave Ramsey teaches and you will have no worries about your future. You are still young, and lots of people make these mistakes when they are young. I did the same thing, Dave Ramsey changed us forever!!! Don't use credit cards either, cash for everything. If you don't have the money to pay cash, YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY!!! I am sure your family will understand if they don't get an expensive gift for Christmas. After all, the holidays should not be about gifts, they should be about being with family and doing nice things for people and all that jazz ;)

    Thank you!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I had NO cc for years- and finally caved and got one- and for a while I managed it great- then struck on some REALLY hard times and was literally surviving off one. (for those of you judgy types- I'll ask you how you make a pay check of 500$ that comes only two times a month stretch to cover an 800$ rent and gas and groceries and your truck payment.

    Please- I'm all ears)

    Maybe move into a cheaper apartment, sell the truck, ride the bus, and get another job?

    Not that I really know your situation or anything but there are always options. It's one thing if you covered the difference for a month, but you can't live above your means forever. Your comment made it sound like you had no choice and my only point is that you always have a choice. However, it may not always be easy or convenient.

    That was similar to my line of thinking. But people hate hearing it or come up with more excuses than I have time for.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Don't have a credit card. I have a thing called savings. Every Wednesday money it taken from my bank account & placed into a high interest savings account. Even while I was not working & could not afford to even save $10 I still had the money transfer over.

    It's what normal people do.

    Actually no.

    I think that's very rare even among people with six figure (and higher) incomes.

    It's a good idea but no, not the NORM
  • TheSwollMinister
    TheSwollMinister Posts: 246 Member
    My wife and I have done this for years:

    **Decide now what you are going to spend on gifts in 2014 (ie: $2000)
    **Open a savings account
    **Go to your HR dept and set up a split for your automatic payroll deposit (in this case, $167/mo; or about $77/paycheck if paid biweekly)

    *** Catastrophic event in November costs you $2000.
    ***Pay CASH for catastrophic event from your emergency fund.

    **Enjoy paying for all your gifts with cash!

    Fixed it for you.:laugh:

    Fixed again :wink:
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    When it comes to financial gurus, I prefer Suze Orman. Her writing is a little less cutting and judgy. IMO. Best idea... read them both and take your pick. They both generally use the same concepts.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Didn't need this to be a bashing session...I'm 20 years old who wanted to treat my family for once rather then them spending all of their money on me.

    I hope you will clear your debt, but this actually made my heart smile, OP. Good on you, for wanting to do for others!

    I get where you are coming from, and I also think it's great to do for others. That being said, I'm sure your family understands the situation you are in being young and just starting out. I am certain they would much rather see you on your feet that in debt. Without going into details, my parents weren't around much to teach me about finances and how to manage them. Not becuase they didn't want to, but becuase they couldn't be. When I got to college I applied for a Visa card with no cluse as to what I was doing. Worst financial decision I ever made. I don't use credit cards anymore and I am still learning as I go as far as financial stability goes. Best of luck to you getting it paid down quickly.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I have a ton of CC debt...but that is because I was out of work for a while and everything had to go on the card to survive. Been almost 2 years and I am still struggling pretty bad. If you can avoid it, avoid it at all costs!

    yup me to.
    I had NO cc for years- and finally caved and got one- and for a while I managed it great- then struck on some REALLY hard times and was literally surviving off one. (for those of you judgy types- I'll ask you how you make a pay check of 500$ that comes only two times a month stretch to cover an 800$ rent and gas and groceries and your truck payment.

    Please- I'm all ears)

    anyway. yes- got in up to **** creek with that- did better- and then it's all been down hill. It's my biggest weakness. I need a MFP for my spending- I'm a retail therapy person- I don't do food therapy. ... I get depressed- I spend.


    BF is trying to help me pull my crap together- it's rough.

    Same here. Had to LIVE on credit cards for almost a year, lost the job, ex decided to up and leave, leaving me paying all of my bills PLUS his half of our "house" bills. It was horrible. Still trying to recover from it. It's extremely hard to pay off credit cards when you live alone and don't make a lot of money. :cry:
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    You've heard enough of the high and mighty, so I won't add to it with the fact that I have been 100% debt free for the past six and a half years. Oh wait, just did...sorry

    But seriously. I have been there, done that. I started out with 1 little store credit card at age 18 to "build my credit" and wound up amassing HUGE C/C debt that took many years to pay off.

    Basically I spent my entire 20s in debt to C/C bills and stuck in a cycle of paying them down, then "needing" them again and so on. It really caused problems for me. I never missed a payment so I still had excellent credit but it is NOT fun spending as much on C/C bills as you spend on rent. Again, I've been there.

    I hope you're not doing it to show how successful you are (read: pride) or pay your family back for past gifts, etc. They will love you even if you buy them each a $10 gift. They know you are young and just starting out. Please remember this!

    I'm doing it because of the reason that I really wanted to get them gifts not just one or two things...I know it sounds silly and I know they would love me if I got them nothing but I love to makes me very happy to see others happy.

    Your heart is in the right place, your wallet not so much. I have been there done that when I was in college. Felt just as you do, did as you did. Now that I am older and wiser and look back on it, my parents were happy with just my presence and did NOT in any way at all want me to go into debt to buy them something they didn't need. I understand your point, but credit card debt is an awful thing hanging over your head. Take the good advice from others and have a super great holiday!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I was always against credit cards until I learned about one that was a rewards card. So I got it. $400 limit -- this also helped me build up a credit score. then I decided to take a cruise and realized I could never afford it without getting another credit card of some sort. So I got another CC -- $2000 limit.

    It's been a year and a half since I got that $2000-limit CC... and I've got about $600 left to pay on it. Not to mention the other credit card.

    I cancelled the $2000-limit card so I wouldn't be tempted to use it again and I keep the other one in a drawer at home for emergencies.

    Over the past couple years I have paid off a few other CC's (Kohls, Art Van Furniture, Macy's, Victoria's Secret, etc), paid of my $14k car, paying down the mortgage for the addition that was built onto the back of my house, and making all other bill payments on time. I make less than $2000/month.

    My suggestion is to follow everyone else's advice -- pay that bad boy down/off as soon as possible... then either get rid of it, or keep it hidden in a drawer for emergencies.

    I failed to mention above that during the above timeframe I was furloughed from work not once, but TWICE. Got into a car accident. went through major health struggles. was cut 20% of my pay/hours.

    Sometimes life sucks, but you can find a way to make it through. Just deny yourself the little pleasures and treats that cost money so that the important, necessary things get taken care of.

    Good luck to you, and Merry Christmas!!!
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    I have everyone here beat. Debt and credit card free for 22 long years. ;)
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I have a ton of CC debt...but that is because I was out of work for a while and everything had to go on the card to survive. Been almost 2 years and I am still struggling pretty bad. If you can avoid it, avoid it at all costs!

    yup me to.
    I had NO cc for years- and finally caved and got one- and for a while I managed it great- then struck on some REALLY hard times and was literally surviving off one. (for those of you judgy types- I'll ask you how you make a pay check of 500$ that comes only two times a month stretch to cover an 800$ rent and gas and groceries and your truck payment.

    Please- I'm all ears)

    anyway. yes- got in up to **** creek with that- did better- and then it's all been down hill. It's my biggest weakness. I need a MFP for my spending- I'm a retail therapy person- I don't do food therapy. ... I get depressed- I spend.


    BF is trying to help me pull my crap together- it's rough.

    Again, I will say DAVE RAMSEY. He will change your life. You can't afford a truck payment?? DONT have a truck!!! There are a lot of other cost effective modes of transportation. Can't afford an $800 rent payment?? Live somewhere else that does not cost $800... get a roommate....get 2 roommates. I can think of many solutions here. Dave Ramsey....
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Two Words.... DAVE RAMSEY. If you are 20 years old and are having this problem, use the advice everyone else gave you to pay off the credit cards and then read all about what Dave Ramsey teaches and you will have no worries about your future. You are still young, and lots of people make these mistakes when they are young. I did the same thing, Dave Ramsey changed us forever!!! Don't use credit cards either, cash for everything. If you don't have the money to pay cash, YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY!!! I am sure your family will understand if they don't get an expensive gift for Christmas. After all, the holidays should not be about gifts, they should be about being with family and doing nice things for people and all that jazz ;)

    ^ this... I did the whole Dave Ramsey thing at first (using the envelope system) but got to a point where I hated dealing with cash but I do understand that is what works for some people. I do though only spend what I have in the bank, with the exception of a possible car payment coming up in the future or a house.
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't own a credit card. I pay cash for everything..

    Dave Ramsey!!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    My wife and I have done this for years:

    **Decide now what you are going to spend on gifts in 2014 (ie: $2000)
    **Open a savings account
    **Go to your HR dept and set up a split for your automatic payroll deposit (in this case, $167/mo; or about $77/paycheck if paid biweekly)

    *** Catastrophic event in November costs you $2000.
    ***Pay CASH for catastrophic event from your emergency fund.

    **Enjoy paying for all your gifts with cash!

    Fixed it for you.:laugh:

    Fixed again :wink:

    I am liking you more and more.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Pay it off quickly. Compound interest is a bee-yotch, and she's eyeing you quite hungrily.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    No. No. No. If I can't pay cash, I can't afford it. I will use layaway all year long for Christmas versus putting it on a credit card.

    The only things that go on my credit card are monthly charges like gym membership and the newspaper. Those items are budgeted so I have $$ to pay them every month.

    NO NO NO credit cards!!!!! They are the devil!
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    how about...don't spend what you don't got??

    Change your mindset on gift giving. Give your time to someone. Make a meal or homemade treat for someone special. Write a letter someone has been longing to get and you've been meaning to send. Gifts like these usually have more impact than another new sweater/gadget that has a lifespan of maybe a year before person tires of it.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Didn't need this to be a bashing session...I'm 20 years old who wanted to treat my family for once rather then them spending all of their money on me.

    Not saying this to bash you. I'm saying this more as someone who has credit card debt and learned her lesson the hard way - I would bet that most of your family knows you can't afford whatever it is you got them and would be just as happy getting something of lesser value, knowing that it came from you. It sounds cheesy, but it really is the thought that counts. If my 20 year old cousin bought me something for Christmas that I knew she couldn't afford as a full-time student working a part-time job making minimum wage, I would feel AWFUL. I'd rather get a gift that I know is within her budget (or just a card and a physical gift needed!). It's so wonderful that you want to spend money on your family for Christmas as a way of showing them that they're special and that you care, but I'm sure they would understand and be just as happy with lesser gifts. But, you're also 20 years live and learn. Just be sure to pay it off ASAP and at the very least, never ever miss a monthly payment.
  • TheSwollMinister
    TheSwollMinister Posts: 246 Member
    If you do some deep research into this you will find that that's simply not true. You don't need to carry a balance to raise your score. You don't get extra points for interest paid. What matters are the monthly balances that creditors report to the credit bureaus. These balances can be captured at any time during your credit card cycles. These balances are weighed against your available credit, and this debt-to-credit-limit ratio, or utilization, makes up about 30 percent of your FICO score, the most widely used scoring formula.

    Why would I be incentivised with a higher credit score for agreeing to the penalty billing cycle interest? Answer: You are not.

    Pay you balance in full. Don't pay interest if you don't have to.

    Can you cite your source because when I was in the process of rebuilding my credit not only my financial officer but TransUnion, & Experian (2 of the 3 main credit bureaus) advised this on their own websites as well when I was a member.... or has this changed over the years?