Advice for first race - 10k

This is my first race ever actually. I finally got up the courage to sign up but really nervous and not sure what to expect. I am wondering should I or can I take my ipod? I have never ran with music before and am worried I wont be able to keep my pace with out it. Also what other things can I expect from the race?

I do run 4 miles 4 days a week and on the weekends I run over 6.5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday I actually did 7.5 both days to help get myself ready. I am not a fast runner by any means and I don't want to win just finish. Yesterday my pace was 5.5 with a mixture of running and walking. I think I took 3 walk breaks of about 2 minutes each and I always start with a 5 minute warm up walk. Anything else I should be doing?


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I think you are for sure ready :) Some races you can have an Ipod so I would bring it along just in case you are able to use it. I have done a few 5k's and almost always tear up when I finish, or when the random people who I dont even know cheer me on from the side line. Good luck :)
  • agindavis
    WOW! You are going to do great. I think the training you have done will get you thru this race just fine. Just run like you do when you train, keep a pace you feel comfortable with and you can sustain for 6 miles. You can certainly take your ipod, but if you dont run with music don't start at a race. Just enjoy yourself!

    How big is this race? Will there be lots of people? If so you might have the opportunity to run with the "pacers" -the people who run at a certain pace- I find them very useful.

    Don't forget to eat before the race and take advantage of the fruit and other goodies after the race and of course STRETCH!!!
    Good luck and more than anything....have fun!
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Congratulations on even entering! Running a 10K as a first race is very impressive! You are more than ready, you'll do fine. I bet you won't even walk except at water breaks. Definitely take your ipod. Unless it's an absolutely huge and prestigious race, you can have it. Most certainly do your warm-up about 30 min prior to start time. Don't change anything you are doing, cuz then you'll just feel weird. If you normally eat breakfast before your runs, then eat your normal breakfast. Don't overthink this and eat something different thinking it will help you. It'll just make you have to poop during the race lol. Just get yourself a cute running outfit and take a camera so you can have plenty of pictures before and after! And if someone is coming with you, they can take photos during. I love looking back at pictures of my races because they are so much fun! watch out though, you're going to be addicted to races and I guarantee you'll be doing a half-marathon soon.
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    Not sure how many for the race - I know it's the 2nd annual but couldn't find must information about last year's. Not for lack of trying lol It's at Scheels and is for shoes that fit. I am already nervous though. lol I do have anxiety issues sometimes and hope they don't "act" up. Usually I am ok at outdoor things - usually just crowds in buildings get to me.