stories and picture from girls who started at 150-160?

Also I'd love any tips you can give!


  • missnelso04
    missnelso04 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 5'2 and haven't weighed myself for a while, but I know I'm right around the 150 mark. GW is 120. I'd be interested to see too, because 30 lbs is a lot of weight for anyone to lose, but on us shorties the difference is ridic!!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I am 5'5 and started at 158. Now i am 130. I learned how to eat on MFP, took up running and never gave or will give up.
  • nklp
    nklp Posts: 62 Member
    Yeah I'm 5"3 and started at 164lbs - I'm aiming to lose between 50-60lbs. I'd love to see pictures/hear advice from someone who did it!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It would seem you'd want to specify a height range? A "girl" who's 5'10" and 150 is very different than a "girl" who's 5'2" and 150.
  • Danicacub
    Danicacub Posts: 41 Member
    I am 5'3" and 20.. I started August 2012 and weighed 174lbs, since then I have lost 40lbs, finished school, moved country and got married! so I have a new profile, the old me is gone and I am improving the new me, toning and losing maybe another 10lbs. which is a lot for small people. I have no idea how to upload photos but feel free to look on my profile. One tip, you will only lose weight for the last time, if you are fully committed and so sick of yourself that you cant stay another day in your body.. if its just another attempt it wont work.. you gotta do it full on or why bother! Its hard, never give up and have fun! This is a lifestyle change so why make it miserable.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    i did.. i started at 152 lbs in may 2013.. now i am 23lbs down .. i maintained my weight for 3 months because i had exams.. first 17pounds came off pretty easy.. but now i have plateaued -_- i have started turbofire program to move me from the plateau thing.. my goal was to be 100 lbs by may 2014.. but now it seems impossible.. anyways, i am not tensed about that as long as i am going :)
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I don't have any pictures, but I started out at 178 and I'm now 121.5. The best piece of advice I can give is not to look at it as 30 pounds to lose, but as a journey to healthier habits. I lost 20 pounds slowly over the first 2 years but, more importantly, learned how to make better choices and control my portions.

    Over the last 11 months, I lost about 35 pounds. I've logged religiously for 340 days, totally changed my lifestyle and I consistently work-out. If I can pinpoint the ONE thing that was the most effective, it would be logging EVERYTHING that goes ito my mouth. Even on the days that I went over or ate things I shouldn't have, I logged. Good luck and remember that it's a journey that will lead you to a healthier lifestyle!
  • Honey, weight means NOTHING!! Don't rely on the scale. I weigh about 150lbs right now and I'm pretty lean and muscular. I don't want to weigh much less than 145 because that will mean I've lost muscle mass. Focus on health and muscle, not the scale.
  • I don't know how good of a story mine is since I didn't start this journey with weight loss as a goal. I'm 5'5" and started off the year at 156 pounds. I had decided for the coming year I was going to try new things. So I started crossfit. I dropped about 15 pounds or so and then started to focus on nutrition and how to best fuel my body. I overhauled my eating habits in September and dropped another 11 pounds. I'm here working on logging my food intake because I want to get stronger. I'm discovering that I need to eat more and so that's what I'm working on.

    More important than weight, this year I went from a size 10 to a size 2, inches matter more than a number on a scale!
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    I started at 162 lbs and I'm 5'3" when I was sick of barely fitting into my dress pants and I took a couple of photos of then I have more recent photos of me at 142lbs now. How I lost the weight and toned: slow and steady and I set a lot of fitness goals. I workout 5-6 days a week with two days weight lifting/strength training, and 3-4 days varying cardio. I do kickboxing (turbo fire- expensive, but well worth it when I get snowed in or stuck at home), elliptical, and run. I run almost every cardio workout and add in abs every other day. Oh, I also eat at 1800-1900 calories a day so you can eat and still lose, it'll be slow, but you will do a better job of maintaining your weight.
    As for the goals I set... My first goal was a signed up for a 5k six months out from my weightloss journey and used that to motivate me to get into shape to run 3 miles. Then I signed up for a 10k after my 5k that was 5 months out, and I signed up for the Tough Mudder at the same time, but that was 9 months out so I could prepare for the 10 mile run and 20+ obstacles. I used the Tough Mudder to push myself to my best abilities and I ran it with a team (definitely do run with a team!!). It was 2 1/2 hours of exhaustion, but it was so fun at the same time!! Currently now signed up for the Dam to Dam (12.4 mile run) and the Omaha half marathon in May (sadly no Tough Mudder next year because I'd rather not break myself or something before my wedding and most the races are within a few months of my August wedding!). Set goals and pay for some races because nothing motivates me more than knowing that I've invested money into an event, so I will DEFINITELY make the time for it. I'll add some photos of before and after pictures so you can see the change. Please do not take this as a brag, I simply want to encourage and inspire you and do remember that the scale is just a number. I take measurements and body fat measurements. My current body fat is 20.7% in the last photos, whereas the before photos I was at 26.5%.

    Good luck!!!
    Here are photos of my at 162lbs at the beginning of my weight loss journey. I was wearing large shirts and size 12 dress pants in these photos.



    2 lbs from goal: Size medium shirts and size 8 jeans. Occasional size 6 jeans I can fit too.


  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Well my photos didn't add but you can look onto my profile and see them. I really suck at this photo adding business lol. My current profile pic is my 142lbs pic.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    lisaanne--how long did it take you to lose your weight and how many calories did you work with? I was same weight and height and now at 145. It's hard to lose and I did get down to 139, but bounced back to 145...ugh.
  • Here's my story :smile:
    I'm 5'4" and my highest weight was 155 lbs several years ago (probably in 2007). I started exercising 2 or 3 days a week (mostly yoga or 30 mins on the elliptical), and trying to cut down on junk food (and alcohol, whoops), and dropped down to 145 in a few months. I stayed at that weight for probably 3-4 years, and then took up running in 2011. I started with a C25K, then 10K and then finally training for a half marathon, and along the way I dropped to 135 lbs. Last year I joined MFP as I wanted to lose a final 10 lbs for my wedding, and so I actually started logging calories regularly, and I lost another 15 lbs in about 8 months (bringing me to 120). Since September, I've relaxed quite a bit on my diet, and my weight has settled out at 125. At this weight, I feel like I can still eat when I'm hungry and have enough energy to fuel my runs :).
  • Also, find a physical activity that you love. I love running, so it's an easy way for me to burn lots of calories while having fun and relieving stress. Finding that activity for you will make your journey so much easier, because you'll be excited (most days) to do your workout, rather than seeing it as a chore or burden. Good luck!
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I started in May around 158-160. I don't have a number I trust - the scale I had at the time was completely unreliable. The first time I weighed on a reliable scale was in June at 155.

    It's been slow going, mostly due to intermittently falling off the wagon. (Some of this not wholly my fault, e.g. the 3 week business trip to China. Hard to log if you have no bloody idea what you're eating, let alone how much, and when your entire day is planned for you from 8 am-midnight).

    I'm down to 145 now, planning to drop another 10 then re-evaluate.
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    For context, I am 5'5" and 26 years old. After I graduated college in 2009 I slowly (but steadily) started packing on some lbs. Probably hit 155. I decided I needed to get active. In 2010 I went from not being able to run a mile without stopping to completing a (slow) half marathon. Also lost about 10 pounds. My weight has held steady around 140 for the past year and a half - a few who have had not to focus exclusively on the number are right. I still would like to lose about 5 pounds, but I have pictures comparing how I looked at 140 last year and this year and I have a LOT more tone/muscle definition. I keep signing up for races because it motivates me. I like running and try to throw in some strength training a few times a week for the muscle tone/cross training. Good luck!
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    I was 150. 5'4" 47yr. Now at 132. Not easy to lose the weight and took about a year. Very important to log your food, what an eye opener. I used a treadmill and tried a couple popular video. I think the exercising did the most for me to lose. The problem is I cannot find and activity/exercise that I enjoy doing... so I just grin and bear it, and get it done. With other medical issues I need to be aware of heart rate. Have been researching lifting weights. Maybe that will finally be the one I enjoy. When you think you need to do this for the rest of your life, you better enjoy it.
    Sorry no pictures. Good luck to you.
  • I am 5'5. Discovered fitness 5 yrs ago, was originally 175lbs, tight size 14, bought personal training 4 months in dec/09 and haven't stopped lifting since. I basically lift weights heavy and now my favorite is crossfit -joined 7 months ago. I am at my leanest at 150lbs, but my muscle definition has increased and I still am striving to lose my lower stomach, which is there a bit. So , now I am a small size, 28 inches waist. Because of my muscles, I fit into large size. Your story is amazing and wish you more support. Nice to hear others stories of success. Thanks
  • i am 5'5
    i started at about a size 0 til i got pregnant and went up to a size 10-12 about 185lbs (175lbs after birth)
    started trying to lose weight and using myfitnesspal in june 2012
    now im a size 1 again
    i track all my weightloss,tips,workouts and anything helpful on my IG
    same as my username
    i deleted my starting myfitnesspal but recently made a new one to start again =)
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