Considering upping calories..advice?

I have been actively trying to lose weight since about February of this year and have lost 43 pounds, which is awesome. However, I have reached a stall the past 3 months and fluctuate between roughly 5 pounds. I am 5 foot 2 inches and currently weigh about 146 pounds. I am aiming to get down to 125 pounds. MFP is set to have me lose 1 pound a week, which puts me at 1200 calories a day. I tend to net about 1280 per day, so slightly above. I am getting a food scale and a heart rate monitor at Christmas (either gift from my mom or buying it myself), so I know that might be the issue. However, I am greatly concerned that I am eating too few calories, but I don't know how to know that without upping them and I don't want to sabotage myself. I workout ~6 days a week (mixture of cardio and strength) and I do mix it up regularly. I am currently in grad school, so I don't really have access to getting a metabolic test done, which would be ideal. Do any of you have suggestions on if I should up my calories and how to do that?


  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    I was at about 1280 calories as well after losing 36 lbs. I stalled for about two months, and then decided to try upping my calories. I set my goal for .5 lb. per week which made my calories jump to 1500 per day...seems counterintuitive, however I have started to lose again...
    Try it...if you're stalled out it may work. If you set your goal to losing .5 per week you won't be gaining any...
  • GardenOfSongs
    GardenOfSongs Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'7 and 168 pounds. Have stopped losing at 1200cals/day but I exercise 6x a week so have upped my calories to 1500/day which according to MFP should put me at a loss of 1.8lbs a week which I'm very happy with. I've only started this today so watch this space on whether it works! :smile:
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I beleive that when you are set on 1200 cal/day you have to eat back the calories you burn with exercice...