Finding Out a Reasonable Weight Loss Goal

melissafritts Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been an athlete for my entire life. Now that I am no longer competing I have started to slowly drift out of shape. I am still about the same weight as I was but some of my muscle has turned into fat since I haven't been working out as much. I have just started doing cardio again to get back in shape and I'm feeling great. I started at 150 and now I'm almost at 145. Right now my goal weight is 135 which when I take the online quizzes, people say is a reasonable weight for my size. My BMI is 20% but the generic tests always say it should be 24%. Does this mean since they are wrong on the BMI, they are also wrong about the healthy weight loss goal? I'm just trying to figure out what weight I should aim for while still being healthy...




  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Dont go by BMI go my Body fat. If I went by my BMI I would almost fall in the overweight range. It does not take lean muscle in to concideration and that will make you weigh more. Depends on your build and how tall you are. 135 sounds resonable and if you think that is without killing yourself everyday to maintain it. You have you find your balance
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    The most accurate measure, I think is BF% (body fat percentage). You'd have to go to someone who is able to perform the tests for you and give you a reading - some doctors do this, some gyms too, even some scales will give you an approximate value. If you have a lighter frame, a lower BMI might make sense so aim for a % of body fat.

    You should also just look at what weight in the past made you "feel good".
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Honestly, check where your regular doctor wants you at. I recently told mine at a checkup that I wanted to get down to 135 (athlete weight), and she totally freaked. She doesn't want me out of the 140s really, lol. It was a surprise, for sure.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    The BMI isn't accurate. When I was in the suggested weight, by doctor thought I was annorexic. I've decided that the charts don't work for everyone. When I lose weight and my body chooses a size, I will work on maintaining. Maybe I will experament with getting more muscle, but I think it's impossilbe to find a chart that applies to everyone. Getting healthy is a great goal weight.
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