
Hi all! I'm Breah. I'm a grad student studying social work, set to graduate in May (finally!) and am hoping to get and feel healthier by then! I lost about 40 pounds about 4 years ago, but have gained just about all of it back. Some of this has to do with the fact that I just fell off the wagon of healthy habits...but I also lost that weight in a pretty unhealthy way (eating way too few calories paired with some days of way too much exercise). This time around I'm hoping to do it the healthy way, both for it's own reason but also so it won't be as easy to put back on! I don't have any friends on here that I know of, so feel free to friend me (is that what it's called on here?!) and I would love to share tips and support with others! My OCD tendencies lead me to have a thing about starting fresh at the beginning of the week (I realize this is absurd and arbitrary but it is what it is!), so I'll be starting my food and exercise regimen this Monday. Excited to start!