weight gain myth??

is it true that feeling lonely or depressed can make you gain weight?
i've been feeling sad lately and i feel like i've been gaining weight and i read online that you gain wieght when u are depressed is this true/?


  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Probably because you lay in bed all day when your depress rather than being happy and active.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    It likely has more to do with the choices you make during a stressful time. For example, eating half a cheesecake instead of a single piece, or sitting on the couch and watching TV instead of going outside for a walk.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    My take on this would be no.....not unless your calories in exceed your calories out.....but!!!!

    Being depressed/upset or stressed can raise cortisol and other levels of hormones in your body that are part of the fight and flight mechanism in our bodies. From the little bit of reading that I have done for my own personal reasons....there is evidence that is on the Web that losing weight when you're experiencing these negatives can be slower/more difficult.

    Now before someone asks me to quote or verify the scientific veracity of said personal research, I apologise but I can't do that as my research time frame was quite a while ago and there may be much more relevant information available now.

    I suggest you have a look and see what info' you can did up.....recheck your calorie intake, weigh and measure everything so you are sure about your actual consumption and perhaps be a little more patient with yourself.

    Maybe talk this over with your Doctor (because you didn't mention any medication being started I haven't touched on that but if you have started meds to help you through this time, maybe that's an issue???, again talking to your Doctor is the way to go).

    I wish you all the very best....depression is such a difficult burden. Try to get out and exercise as much as you can, particularly something you enjoy......maybe walking.....catching Sun any Sun can help lift your Spirits sometimes.

    Take care :heart:
  • arc8706
    Change in eating habits and weight can be possible symptoms of depression (but only if they occur with other symptoms and have persisted for a length of time, only a doctor/psych professional can diagnose someone with depression).

    But those changes can be a weight loss or gain, and it depends on how your eating and exercise changes in correspondence with your mood. Some people when depressed will lose weight because they lose their appetite and don't want to eat. Other people will gain weight because they seek comfort from eating ("emotional eating").

    But just having a depressed mood won't cause you to gain weight on its own, it's all in how your mood affects your actions.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I hope you can find a way to get over your depression. Skinny and depressed or overweight and depressed...who cares what size...I think you need to focus on getting out of the gloom, no?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    is it true that feeling lonely or depressed can make you gain weight?
    i've been feeling sad lately and i feel like i've been gaining weight and i read online that you gain wieght when u are depressed is this true/?

    The actual feeling? No.

    What happens is that you become less active and more than likely eat more than you realize/acknowledge.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    <- Chronic depression sufferer.

    No being depressed itself doesn't make you gain weight. But, not being able to sleep? lack of energy due to lethargy, general worthlessness feelings make you not want to do -anything- at times, when i was at a really bad point in life and i was on some pretty strong meds this added to it also, my head was fussy constantly and I couldn't walk around without feeling dizzy.

    Its a hard one to combat because the gym for me helps, I can take out some of my issues on throwing large objects around, but its a catch 22, because some days its a struggle getting out of bed to even get there. Its all about breaking the cycle and creating new thinking patterns.

    Note: my depression was not why i got fat though, I got fat because I let myself get fat and ate too much. There is nothing that is a proper excuse for not looking after yourself.