Is 1200 calories enough for me?

Hi all :)
So, recently I've started using myfitnesspal to track what I'm eating. I started only a few days ago, so i'm new to this. Myfitnesspal gives you 1200 calories as the least ammount you can have a day. I'm just wanting to make sure that I'm eating a proper amount and that 1200 is a suitable amount for my body. I have my setting as 2lbs lost per week, not sure if this is a healthy amount to lose or not.

About me:
eighteen years old, female
roughly 125 lbs
about 5" short
don't work out often but am going to start walking and maybe working up to running after two weeks

(also, if you look at my journal I totally binged that's why I went waaay over my calorie limit. Ugh.)


  • xingax
    xingax Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, 1200 is enough. I'm 5'2 and in my 30's and realized that I have the body of a 14 year old child, so should eat accordingly. The government recommendations (1500-2000) are based on the average female, which frankly we are well below. I'v been eating 1200 for 2 years and am as fit as a fiddle.

  • KentWhiteRabbit
    KentWhiteRabbit Posts: 92 Member
    As you don't have much weight (if any) to lose to be a healthy weight I'd reduce the goal to 0.5 - 1lb a week. Also don't forget that when you start adding excercise you need to eat some of those calories too.

    I'm 5' and 124lb, ok I'm a little older than you, but 124lb isn't an unhealthy weight, but personally I'd like to get down to 119 and 23% body fat. Especially at your age maybe focus on the excercise/fitness rather than the weight and just use the food logging to keep any binges in check? The fitter and leaner you get the less the weight will be an issue.

    Of course the odd treat day is good too :happy:

    Good luck!
  • AlishaBaxmann
    AlishaBaxmann Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you ladies :)

    KentWhiteRabb, I'm really trying to not get upset about my weight. I started eating very very badly with my boyfriend (he eats pretty bad, much worse than I did) and my body just hated me when I started eating badly.

    I got big love handles (I always had love handles, but little ones that could be hidden in clothes), I gained weight on my upper thighs, gained weight on my bum.. and embarassing, but, I got horrible stretch marks ALL OVER my thighs and bum. I'm also getting stretch marks on the sides of my knees. I also have cellulite now, all over my bum and legs. I pretty much hate my body right now. I used to always be the tiny, skinny girl.

    I'm going to start walking because before my boyfriend and I started dating (almost 2 yrs ago) I used to walk everywhere and I think that was a big part of why I was so in shape!

    Also, about the calories, I'm kinda confused. When I log in my exercise - for example I went for a 1.5 hr slow walk and I logged it in myfitnesspal, they came up with 204 calories burned. So I put that in my journal then it gave me more calories?? Do I need to eat this number? Is it smart to? I'm kinda confused on that. They don't really mention what to do with those... (unless I just haven't seen aynthing about it.)

    ps.. do you mind if I add you as a friend so I can kinda stalk your journal for food portions/ideas? I'm intrigued to see what someone my exact size and height is eating :P
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    As you don't have much weight (if any) to lose to be a healthy weight I'd reduce the goal to 0.5 - 1lb a week. Also don't forget that when you start adding excercise you need to eat some of those calories too.

    I'm 5' and 124lb, ok I'm a little older than you, but 124lb isn't an unhealthy weight, but personally I'd like to get down to 119 and 23% body fat. Especially at your age maybe focus on the excercise/fitness rather than the weight and just use the food logging to keep any binges in check? The fitter and leaner you get the less the weight will be an issue.

    Of course the odd treat day is good too :happy:

    Good luck!

    I'm pretty sure that setting it to 1lb a week still sets the calories at 1200. 1200 isn't that much of a deficit at our height (also 5') if we aren't doing much exercise.

    I'd say go with the 1200 for now, until you add some exercise. You don't want to be stuck living off 1200 forever!
    I'd really recommend getting in to strength training :)
  • KentWhiteRabbit
    KentWhiteRabbit Posts: 92 Member

    Also, about the calories, I'm kinda confused. When I log in my exercise - for example I went for a 1.5 hr slow walk and I logged it in myfitnesspal, they came up with 204 calories burned. So I put that in my journal then it gave me more calories?? Do I need to eat this number? Is it smart to? I'm kinda confused on that. They don't really mention what to do with those... (unless I just haven't seen aynthing about it.)

    ps.. do you mind if I add you as a friend so I can kinda stalk your journal for food portions/ideas? I'm intrigued to see what someone my exact size and height is eating :P

    It's a good idea to eat at least some of the exercise calories or you won't have the energy to do the excercise, if that makes sense? You don't have to eat them all though.

    Already added you and my diary is open :smile:
  • AlishaBaxmann
    AlishaBaxmann Posts: 29 Member

    Also, about the calories, I'm kinda confused. When I log in my exercise - for example I went for a 1.5 hr slow walk and I logged it in myfitnesspal, they came up with 204 calories burned. So I put that in my journal then it gave me more calories?? Do I need to eat this number? Is it smart to? I'm kinda confused on that. They don't really mention what to do with those... (unless I just haven't seen aynthing about it.)

    ps.. do you mind if I add you as a friend so I can kinda stalk your journal for food portions/ideas? I'm intrigued to see what someone my exact size and height is eating :P

    It's a good idea to eat at least some of the exercise calories or you won't have the energy to do the excercise, if that makes sense? You don't have to eat them all though.

    Already added you and my diary is open :smile:

    Okay makes sense :) , thanks.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    As you don't have much weight (if any) to lose to be a healthy weight I'd reduce the goal to 0.5 - 1lb a week. Also don't forget that when you start adding excercise you need to eat some of those calories too.

    I'm 5' and 124lb, ok I'm a little older than you, but 124lb isn't an unhealthy weight, but personally I'd like to get down to 119 and 23% body fat. Especially at your age maybe focus on the excercise/fitness rather than the weight and just use the food logging to keep any binges in check? The fitter and leaner you get the less the weight will be an issue.

    Of course the odd treat day is good too :happy:

    Good luck!

    I'm pretty sure that setting it to 1lb a week still sets the calories at 1200. 1200 isn't that much of a deficit at our height (also 5') if we aren't doing much exercise.

    I'd say go with the 1200 for now, until you add some exercise. You don't want to be stuck living off 1200 forever!
    I'd really recommend getting in to strength training :)

    Definitely incorporate strength/resistance training. You're going to want to eat some of your exercise calories back once you start incorporating more exercise and if you stay at 1200.

    I am close to your stats. I have a small build, 5'1" and at my last weigh in I was 120. My highest point was 134 after I made my ticker. I rarely go as low as 1200, but it depends on your exercise and build. I definitely suggest looking into the method I posted below. I exercise about 3-4 times a week, 45mins-1hr per session. However, I am trying to focus on hitting my macros more consistently. I'm currently at a 40/30/30 for my macros - carbs, fat, protein. My week starting yesterday is out of character as I just had a procedure done, so my appetite will be wonky for a few more days, but my diary is open to friends. I log fairly consistently and I tend to weigh/measure my food.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    As you don't have much weight (if any) to lose to be a healthy weight I'd reduce the goal to 0.5 - 1lb a week. Also don't forget that when you start adding excercise you need to eat some of those calories too.

    I'm 5' and 124lb, ok I'm a little older than you, but 124lb isn't an unhealthy weight, but personally I'd like to get down to 119 and 23% body fat. Especially at your age maybe focus on the excercise/fitness rather than the weight and just use the food logging to keep any binges in check? The fitter and leaner you get the less the weight will be an issue.

    Of course the odd treat day is good too :happy:

    Good luck!

    I'm pretty sure that setting it to 1lb a week still sets the calories at 1200. 1200 isn't that much of a deficit at our height (also 5') if we aren't doing much exercise.

    I'd say go with the 1200 for now, until you add some exercise. You don't want to be stuck living off 1200 forever!
    I'd really recommend getting in to strength training :)

    Yes it still sets it at 1lb, kinda depressing, OP I am 4"11 and 117, I'd say at our height cardio is essential if you want some more wriggle room with your diet. Also I recommend a strength training programme, as you may just need to recomp your body. Also i have stretch marks and cellulite, but a lot of the stretch marks are from puberty, they are almost invisible now, and view noticed that my cellulite is looking better since I dropped a few pounds :)

    I'd also say try not to make too many changes at once, don't just cut down to 1200 overnight, start at 1600 and work you're way down, otherwise it can be quite a shock to the body. I'd also recommend trying to fill up on protein and fats, as they tend to satiate me for longer.

    Then start to add in the exercise when you've got the diet part down.

    Also, I'm on 1200 calories, just in preparation for Christmas, and I'm pretty consistent, my diary is open to friends if you want to add me and check it out.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm 5ft too but not really near your body weight as I'm rather muscly. Legs and buns of steel! But I would definitely suggest doing some sort of exercise so you can have a few more cals than the baseline. It will also mean that if you do accidentally splurge it isn't the end of the world and it will tone you up too.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't even have to look. In my opinion, I don't think 1200 calories are enough for anyone. Unless, told by your doctor (after surgeries)!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    Yes 1200 calories is enough. I've eaten 1200 calories everyday for the last 2.5 months and have lost 25 pounds. My diary is open to the public so feel free to have a look. You can add me as well :)

    I'm short too and someone at our height has to eat less calories than taller women... sucks, but it's reality.

    You can definitely get all the nutrients you need, you just have to plan your meals accordingly. I find that it's easiest to eat whole foods like lean meats, veggies, etc because they fill you up longer and you can eat more of them.

    Good luck to you!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    you're already at a healthy weight for your height, if you're trying to reduce your bodyfat further, you need to be very conservative with your deficit. 2lb a week is too much for your situation, if you lose that much, most of it won't be fat. You'll be losing mainly water weight, and at risk of losing lean muscle and bone density. If you want to ensure it's just fat you lose, then do exercise that works your muscles hard and puts weight on your bones, and aim for very slow weight loss. 0.5-1lb a week would be better, which should give you a calorie goal that's quite a bit higher. People who are morbidly obese can lose fat at a faster rate, because they have so much more to lose. The leaner you get, the more difficult it is to lose pure fat, so the more careful you need to be. Yes it's slower, but what do you want, a healthy, fit, lean body, or to look half starved?

    also, base your goal on body fat percentage, not weight. your body fat percentage affects how you look more than your weight does. See this article:
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member

    you're already at a healthy weight for your height, if you're trying to reduce your bodyfat further, you need to be very conservative with your deficit. 2lb a week is too much for your situation, if you lose that much, most of it won't be fat. You'll be losing mainly water weight, and at risk of losing lean muscle and bone density. If you want to ensure it's just fat you lose, then do exercise that works your muscles hard and puts weight on your bones, and aim for very slow weight loss. 0.5-1lb a week would be better, which should give you a calorie goal that's quite a bit higher. People who are morbidly obese can lose fat at a faster rate, because they have so much more to lose. The leaner you get, the more difficult it is to lose pure fat, so the more careful you need to be. Yes it's slower, but what do you want, a healthy, fit, lean body, or to look half starved?

    also, base your goal on body fat percentage, not weight. your body fat percentage affects how you look more than your weight does. See this article:

    When I just entered my stats into mfp, which are very close to the OP's, for 0.5lb loss I still only get 1220 calories. (Sedentary).
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    1,200. So that's 2 small meals a day, no snacks and nothing to drink except water and diet coke.... that would be some kind of food disorder and would make me go crazy....
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    1,200. So that's 2 small meals a day, no snacks and nothing to drink except water and diet coke.... that would be some kind of food disorder and would make me go crazy....

    So only 2 "small" meals a day, huh? I hardly consider a 600 calorie meal small. Perhaps that thinking has lead you to where you are now.

    I eat 2 large meals a day and at least 2 snacks and a protein shake.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    you're already at a healthy weight for your height, if you're trying to reduce your bodyfat further, you need to be very conservative with your deficit. 2lb a week is too much for your situation, if you lose that much, most of it won't be fat. You'll be losing mainly water weight, and at risk of losing lean muscle and bone density. If you want to ensure it's just fat you lose, then do exercise that works your muscles hard and puts weight on your bones, and aim for very slow weight loss. 0.5-1lb a week would be better, which should give you a calorie goal that's quite a bit higher. People who are morbidly obese can lose fat at a faster rate, because they have so much more to lose. The leaner you get, the more difficult it is to lose pure fat, so the more careful you need to be. Yes it's slower, but what do you want, a healthy, fit, lean body, or to look half starved?

    also, base your goal on body fat percentage, not weight. your body fat percentage affects how you look more than your weight does. See this article:

    When I just entered my stats into mfp, which are very close to the OP's, for 0.5lb loss I still only get 1220 calories. (Sedentary).

    When I put my stats in MFP, it seriously underestimates my calories. It tells me my maintenance is 1500 calories, reality is my maintenance is more like 2100 and I lose at 1800 calories, while MFP tells me I'll gain weight at 1800. I ignore the MFP defaults and use a custom calorie goal (when I'm tracking, which isn't currently as I'm not trying to lose fat right now).

    There are other calorie counters, the most accurate one for me is the Katch Mc-Ardle one, although even that one underestimates my calories a bit. Just it's a lot closer than the MFP calorie calculator is. It is worth trying other calculators to see what kind of numbers they give you, and also look at your real world results, i.e. you don't want too fast weight loss (although what is too fast depends on your current level of leanness.... for the really severely obese 2-3lb a week is a good rate, moderately obese 1-2lb, already lean it's best to go really slow, 0.5-1lb) and you don't want to be hungry all the time, but you should still see slow and steady weight loss... and look for the trend over time, i.e. ignore daily fluctuations, but look for whether your weight is slowly going down over a 2-3 week period or longer.
  • overcominglazy
    overcominglazy Posts: 19 Member
    I really very much disagree with everyone who thinks that because you are shorter you have to eat drastically lower than the general population. I think people forget that the average woman is actually only about 5'4". In the past three weeks, I have eaten around 1650 net calories per day and I've lost 2.2kgs so far. MFP recommended me 1400 to begin with and I'm sure that if I hadn't had a few almighty binges, I would have lost a good amount more. I'm 5'2". When I stop seeing weight loss, I will be more strict but really, a deficit is a deficit. When you don't have a lot to lose, you need to go much much slower. This prevents losses from your lean tissue (which is bad as that will then decrease your metabolism).

    What happens when people eat very low amounts (I consider this to be below their basal metabolic rate (BMR) - the amount that you would need if you were completely immobile in a coma (for me this is around 1350)) is that they then end up maintaining on these low amounts as they've compromised their lean tissue. I can quite happily maintain on 1800-2100 calories per day depending on my exercise. It has nothing to do with how short you are. The adult human body needs a certain amount of food to operate optimally and that is that.

    I mean, would you rather eat 1800 calories a day for the rest of your life or 1200? If you'd rather eat less just because then that's quite odd.

    Try putting your details in with a much lower weight loss goal per week like 0.25-0.5lbs. You should get a more sensible number. If you think about it long-term, you will easily be where you want to be in anywhere from several months to a year! And you won't have to struggle for it. Doesn't that sound nicer? And definitely eat back your exercise calories. I tend to leave a leeway of 50-100 calories when I exercise, however, because I have no idea how accurate the machines are.

    You're young and consider 6 months of decent effort to the rest of your life potentially yo-yoing because you were too harsh. Develop a healthy relationship with your food and body (weight gain is not something to fear! It's just something that happens sometimes and there's no need to panic).

    I wish you lots of luck!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    1,200. So that's 2 small meals a day, no snacks and nothing to drink except water and diet coke.... that would be some kind of food disorder and would make me go crazy....

    So only 2 "small" meals a day, huh? I hardly consider a 600 calorie meal small. Perhaps that thinking has lead you to where you are now.

    I eat 2 large meals a day and at least 2 snacks and a protein shake.

    How on earth you know where I am at now? Random assumption.

    For the record, so that I maintain my weight (BMI 23, male), I am recommended to eat 2,300 calories a day, so 600 calories for both dinner and lunch would leave my on the dangerously thin side.

    1,200 calories a day is low. A lot of lettuce leaves granted, but we arent all salad freaks. Still 1,200? 2,000 is average RDA for a lady, so while appreciating we are all shapes and sizes, thats around 40% lower than the RDA.

    Work that one out.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    1,200. So that's 2 small meals a day, no snacks and nothing to drink except water and diet coke.... that would be some kind of food disorder and would make me go crazy....

    So only 2 "small" meals a day, huh? I hardly consider a 600 calorie meal small. Perhaps that thinking has lead you to where you are now.

    I eat 2 large meals a day and at least 2 snacks and a protein shake.

    600 would be small meal more me, more like a snack. Perhaps my line of thinking has gotten me where I am now...
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    1,200. So that's 2 small meals a day, no snacks and nothing to drink except water and diet coke.... that would be some kind of food disorder and would make me go crazy....

    So only 2 "small" meals a day, huh? I hardly consider a 600 calorie meal small. Perhaps that thinking has lead you to where you are now.

    I eat 2 large meals a day and at least 2 snacks and a protein shake.

    How on earth you know where I am at now? Random assumption.

    For the record, so that I maintain my weight (BMI 23, male), I am recommended to eat 2,300 calories a day, so 600 calories for both dinner and lunch would leave my on the dangerously thin side.

    1,200 calories a day is low. A lot of lettuce leaves granted, but we arent all salad freaks. Still 1,200? 2,000 is average RDA for a lady, so while appreciating we are all shapes and sizes, thats around 40% lower than the RDA.

    Work that one out.

    A 23 year old guy with a BMI of 23 who is presumably somewhat active, unless he is the same height as the OP, absolutely CANNOT compare what an appropriate amount of calories is with a 120 lb sedentary woman. My maintenance is only about 1500/day- if I ate like you (or the "average") I would be piling weight on like crazy. When you're already pretty small, your body just doesn't burn as many calories. 1200 calories per day only gives me about 0.5/week loss. It's not drastic.

    As for 'not a lot of food', well, that depends on how you eat. If you're careful with macro and micronutrients and get lots of vegetables and lean protein, it is plenty of food. You just can't eat a lot of treats without a ton of nutritional value if you want to keep your body healthy.

    I'm not all over threads with people bigger and more active than me telling them to drop their calories lower because I do. Maybe you should reverse that and avoid these threads.