The epic struggle of good beer



  • SacrificeSufferSalvation
    For my fellow home brewers. This batch of beer is completely my own.

    Malt extract amber, steeped 1 pound of Weyermann (R) Cara Amber for 30 minutes, some Coopers brewing yest 7g and I am going to put some sugar in the bottles (about 1/2 a teaspoon). Going to let it set for a week, bottle and then chill it for 21 days... I will let you know how it is.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Have beer once a week follow by a day of purging and increase exercise through out the week. Thoughts?

    Treat it as food - which it is - beer is a classic recovery food for cyclists.

    Log it, work it into your macros, and enjoy.

    Oh, and move to all-grain brewing ASAP. :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    2) By purging I meant like a fast of lots of water and lighter food for the day. Salads and stuff I guess, didnt really have a plan.

    Phew! Thanks for that clarification. I think a lot of people were picturing you 'purging' in the bulimic/eating disorder sense of the word.

    I always eat lighter/healthier the day after I've had too many beers. Lots of fruits and veggies, lean meat and a ton of water.
  • nikigmoney
    My husband is a professional brewer and home brewed before that. I only indulge once a week and allow for the extra calories. This seems to help because nothing will make you gain faster then beer. Just remember that moderation is key........Good luck with the brewing! Cheers.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Have beer once a week follow by a day of purging and increase exercise through out the week. Thoughts?

    Treat it as food - which it is - beer is a classic recovery food for cyclists.

    Log it, work it into your macros, and enjoy.

    Oh, and move to all-grain brewing ASAP. :)

    +1 on this, especially the all grain! And stop lugging carboys around - have you seen the mess they make when you drop them? Move to Better Bottles!
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    For my fellow home brewers. This batch of beer is completely my own.

    Malt extract amber, steeped 1 pound of Weyermann (R) Cara Amber for 30 minutes, some Coopers brewing yest 7g and I am going to put some sugar in the bottles (about 1/2 a teaspoon). Going to let it set for a week, bottle and then chill it for 21 days... I will let you know how it is.

    Where are the hops?

    Oh, and move to kegging too!

  • SacrificeSufferSalvation
    Honestly this is my 5 batch, I bought all kits before. So I just picked a ingredient that seemed "right." I take the wort from the carboy into a bottle bucket and then bottle it. It seems like a pain, but I didnt know if I should just use the bottle bucket from start to finish. It is air tight. Do you guys have a good all grain recipe?
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Honestly this is my 5 batch, I bought all kits before. So I just picked a ingredient that seemed "right." I take the wort from the carboy into a bottle bucket and then bottle it. It seems like a pain, but I didnt know if I should just use the bottle bucket from start to finish. It is air tight. Do you guys have a good all grain recipe?

    Sorry man - we are just giving you a hard time! I'm sure that you will get a good beer from this!

    You do want to rack from your fermenter to a bottling bucket, as it helps remove the beer from the trub. Glass carboys (I'm assuming you meant glass) are just very heavy, and will cause a huge dangerous mess of broken glass and beer if dropped. Buckets or better bottles are a bit safer.

    There are lots of good all-grain recipes out there, but do you have the equipment for that yet? You'll need a pot to do a full boil (plus the means to heat it - usually a propane burner), a mash tun of some sort (a 10 gallon cooler works well), and an immersion chiller.
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    I will say that I can lose more weight if I don't drink any alcohol. I've done it. It's not just the extra calories ... it's the alcohol that your body burns before it burns the extra calories.

    But, I promised myself that I was in this for the long haul and I would not give up everything that I loved. I have never looked back and missed fast food, candy, cookies and other empty calories. I love real, nutrient-dense food now, and I feel way better these days. But, if I had to give up beer ... and to a lesser extent wine ... it wouldn't be worth it to me. A great beer with a nice meal makes for a great end to a long day. I just have to stop imbibing on the weekends unless I put in the cardio. The weekends are already hard for me because we usually eat at restaurants quite a bit.
  • SacrificeSufferSalvation
    Haha, I dont have all that stuff yet. Maybe in the future :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I go out to a pub quiz most Tuesdays..... Most Tuesdays just happen to be my high intensity cardio days when I burn a load of calories.

    Beer is good, beer you have earned is even better!