Slow and steady (will get me to my goal)

I never have liked to exercise. But in the last 15 years, my weight has crept up and I weigh more now than I ever imagined I would weigh.

What made me realize just how much I had gained was having to go to the doctor because of an inner ear issue and getting weighed for the first time in over a year. (I didn't have a scale at home because the last one got broken and I hadn't bothered to replace it.) I was shocked at what the doctor's scale said I weighed. So I started watching what I ate more closely.

I bought another scale - a fancy one that measures % body fat, % body water, % bone and bmi. I saw that watching what I ate was working and decided I needed to do some sort of exercise to keep things moving.

After a couple of weeks of monitoring my weight and exercising, I added this site/app to my routine. It's helping me a lot. My husband is even impressed at how I've stuck with this. (I have a tendency to get bored and quit exercising.) I guess it took a shock to realize that if I didn't do something, things were only going to get worse, not better.

I'm doing this for me. And if I'm honest, because I don't want to end up with similar health issues to my parents and brother (cardiac problems, high blood pressure).


  • serenakashmir
    i know what it can be like to be motivated from your parents health issues. lets me friends!