When should I start strength training?

So I have a question for you fitness heads out there. I have lost 20 pounds and have 30 more to go. I've been doing 45 mins of cardio 5-6 days a week. I want to do strength training but all I have time for is 45 minutes in the gym period. Does anyone have this same window? Next, I'm afraid strength training will slow my weight loss. My BMI is still pretty high and I'm trying to get to a healthy BMI before I slow my weight loss. Any suggestions?


  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Start strength training now. Muscle burns more than fat (I don't remember exactly). 2 days a week spend 15-20 mins of your cardio training doing strength/circuit training. It's amazing what you can get done in 15-20 mins and hit all the major muscle groups!

    Editted to add: you can easily do things like using canned items or plastic water bottles for weights at home, squats during bathroom breaks at work, etc...no need to always do it at the gym!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Start strength training now. Muscle burns more than fat (I don't remember exactly). 2 days a week spend 15-20 mins of your cardio training doing strength/circuit training. It's amazing what you can get done in 15-20 mins and hit all the major muscle groups!

  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Start strength training now. Muscle burns more than fat (I don't remember exactly). 2 days a week spend 15-20 mins of your cardio training doing strength/circuit training. It's amazing what you can get done in 15-20 mins and hit all the major muscle groups!

    I would start now, when you build lean muscle is burns fat, it also helps your body stay toned to help with things like loose skin etc.
  • cmcg11
    cmcg11 Posts: 1
    Strenght training will actually speed up your weight loss. Muscle requires a lot more energy to maintain, therefore, your basal metabolic rate will increase which means you will burn more calories when at rest.
    I know how precious time is, especially when it comes down to cardio but if you were to replace one of your cardio days with circuit training targeting all of your muscles in one day, I think you would be pleased with the outcome.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I read a blog post somewhere about weight loss and strength training, and the author made a good point: you aren't likely to gain more weight in muscle than you lose in fat if you have a lot of weight to lose... to put numbers to it, say you want to lose 50 lbs (of fat, obviously)--you aren't going to gain 50 lbs of muscle (unless you're taking steroids or something like that) in the same time frame as you would lose the 50 lbs of fat. Sure, it might slow your weight loss a little, but the reality is that muscle burns more energy than fat at rest, so you're doing yourself a favour by putting on an additional few pounds of muscle--it may in fact slightly speed up your weight loss because you'd be burning more calories sitting at rest with a higher amount of lean body mass. Like Nina74 said, start as soon as you can!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    You can also do a at home workout program. ChaLean Extreme is very good!! You do weights mon,wed, fri and cardio thurs and sat.

    The videos are no more than 45mins. The cardio ones are longer. Its an excellent program!!
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i would try jillian michaels 30 day shred at home if i were you and its only 20mins - so you can fit it in any time like do it when the dinner is in the oven lol :)
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I do squats in the shower. I use the shower wall and slide up and down. That sounds funny now that I'm saying it but it clearly works. I feel the burn! You can always find places to fit in a little strength training.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    start now! i have trained many clients similar to your sched. you're doing a fantastic job with cardio and you can add strength training (ST) 2-3 days instead of your cardio days. the calories you burn in the 45 mins of cardio have your body burning cals 4-5 hours after you leave class. if you do 45 of strength training, you're body will take 24-48 hours to repair, meaning your body will be burning calories the whole time while repairing. that is the diff between 45 mins of cardio and 45 mins of lifting. muscle does not weigh more than fat. they both weigh the same. a pound of muscle is smaller than a pound of fat. ST will build muscle and shred fat. you need both cardio and ST along with clean eating to balance out your body and acheive the goals you are striving for. you may email me at vickilynn333@hotmail.com if you want more details. good luck and great job so far!
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    So I have a question for you fitness heads out there. I have lost 20 pounds and have 30 more to go. I've been doing 45 mins of cardio 5-6 days a week. I want to do strength training but all I have time for is 45 minutes in the gym period. Does anyone have this same window? Next, I'm afraid strength training will slow my weight loss. My BMI is still pretty high and I'm trying to get to a healthy BMI before I slow my weight loss. Any suggestions?

    I would start now. It may indeed slow down your weight loss for a little while, but at the same time it will accelerate your fat loss. Remember, there's a difference between weight loss and fat loss. For a better indicator of where you stand try and get your body fat percentage measured. BMI isn't always a good indicator (especially for heavily muscled people).

    I would recommend trying to get 2-3 full body workouts a week that last 30-45 minutes at a relatively fast pace. Then do your cardio on the other 3-4 days of the week.
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks to everyone that replied! I will start a strength training program this week!