Ok, from this moment on, no more swweets for the next 30 days. For some reason in my office we constantly have little mini chocolates, etc. I try to stay away, but I get sucked in. I'll tell myself I'll just have one and by then end of the day I've had 5 :( I just started the Jillian Michaels 30 dat shred 3 days ago so I'm going to swear off sweets along with this. Maybe my next step will be diet coke!

Anyone else have a hard time staying away from temptations?



  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Well, YAAA! It's pretty much what got me to start at MFP at 233.0 pounds : (
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Learning moderation is the key. Do you plan on not having sweets for the rest of your life? What happens when you allow yourself to have sweets again are you going to breakdown and not control yourself? Learn to eat less and control your craving don't go cold turkey you don't want to have a Yo-yo effect. Good luck!
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    Lol yes anyhting chocolate I love! So once a week I treat myself to some dark chocolate or a chocolate low cal sugarfree bar yummy!!