

  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    I agree about using a TDEE calculator to find out what your maintenance # is, and then just maintain for the rest of the month. I have figured out mine just in case things get really bad one day. Even if I go crazy, I will still have a hard limit, and that's my TDEE #.

    Someone who goes to a store and sleeps in their car while sick just to avoid bad food sounds like an incredibly strong individual. You had so much strength that you physically kept yourself away. Wow! I would never have had the strength to do that. I woulda just laid in bed.
    Now just have the strength to throw that food in your cabinets away for good and avoid it -- while being under the same roof. If it's not healthy for you then it's not healthy for your family either so they don't need it! I mean, even in your car you had the ability to walk inside walmart and buy junk, or drive to fast food and eat junk. But you didn't. The idea of being out of the house to avoid the food is an illusion - you are STRONG!! Harness it!

    Additionally, see a therapist or get an appetite workbook (there are some on to try and find out why you aren't able to transition to clean or moderation eating rather than 'all or nothing.' you might be tying some emotions to food, and once you find out what those are, you can put work into changing it.

    You can do it! :)
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    Kind of know how you feel, I have a terrible relationship with food, feeling like stuffing my face today and I'm thinking the only solution is to stay in bed and eat fruit so I'm not tempted! But I can't do that so I have to face it and hopefully not eat stuff.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Thanks for all the input. I don't think I have a mental problem but it doesn't hurt to speak to someone.

    Um driving around and being scared to be in your own home does not sound like a normal healthy thing. What's the point of being skinny if you are miserable? Live a little, lighten up!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Don't avoid social occasions, you don't have to let food rule them. When I'm out with friends I will choose the healthiest option from the menu, and will only have one course usually. To "my old self", this would have sounded horrific. That I would choose to go out and NOT get drunk, and NOT stuff my face.. but you know what? Life is SO much better now.

    I enjoy social occasions for what they're meant for. Socialising. Now when I'm going out, I talk to my friends rather than just thinking about how much we can eat or drink, and it's much more fun. And, I have to say, a lot cheaper.

    Yes, of course you want the "body of your dreams". But if you have to sacrifice a good quality of life to get it? Absolutely not worth it in my opinion.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sometimes people just want a hug and the reassurance that they can do this. I had a terrible time during Thanksgiving with difficult family members. I felt I was losing my grip on my healthy eating plan, but no one I talked with about it understood. Vynnette, I know what you are talking about. I feel scared, too. Let's just try the one day at a time approach and if we mess up, we'll learn from our mistakes and carry on. Good luck. :smile:

    Have you tried not caring what people who are not knowledgeable on a subject think?