Motivational Group

Hello! I am looking to start a motivational and support group as I would like to give and get more motivation and support on my journey. I would like to note that my goal is not to lose weight and I am hoping to get a group of people who are also not driven by weight loss. My goal is to feel healthier and be healthier. I'm pretty sure I will lose weight along the way, but I will be keeping track of my progress on how much more weight I can add to my workouts and how much my endurance has improved. If you would like to be part of this, I would love to know what your goals are so we can help everyone stay motivated to reach them. I would to post the new stats once per week on Sundays. And of course, if you have something new before then that you want to share, please do so we can give you the congrats you deserve.

I will start with my goals.
Currently, I can do 10 push on my knees most days. I would like to be able to do 10 push ups the right way, on your toes by January 1st. I am also looking to improve my chin ups, pull ups, and dips. As of now, on the assisted machine, I have 100lbs added. I would like to try and reduce that to 80lbs by January 1st. I can do 40 lunges with 10lb weights in each hand. I would like to increase this to 60 lunges and then increase the weight once I can do 60. I can do 30 sumo squats with a 10lbs kettle ball. I would like to get to a 20lb kettle ball and then increase to 40 sumo squats. I am also trying to eat a salad (without the calorie heavy dressings) with each super. Those are my main goals as of now. Please let me know yours.


  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Hello there! I've been working at making myself healthy for the past 13 years and have reached a weight I am quite comfortable with and honestly a bit shocked as it was never really about being "skinny" for me. My personal challenges are all mostly fitness related, I'd like to work my way up to running/jogging a 5k without having to walk any part of it, currently I do about half and half. I've been doing strength training as well and change up what I do often so I don't fall into routine. I'm not the best at "challenges or goals" because I know if I keep at this I will eventually get there as I refuse to give up but I'd gladly join your group for inspiration and motivation as we can never have too much.
    Congratulations to you for deciding to be healthy no matter what the scale reads.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    bump to reply when I have time