New To Site

Hello Everyone!!!

My name is Kitty. I am 20 years old, 5'3 and weigh 210lbs(roughly) I've dropped 25lbs(roughly) after giving birth where I was at my heaviest around 235lbs. I read about to many success stories on here from r/loseit and decided to take control of my body. I quit smoking when I found out about my pregnancy in February and figured losing weight would be the next step to a healthier me. I just had my first child 7 weeks ago and am pretty sad with the state my body has been left in after being overweight before becoming pregnant, going overdue with my pregnancy and a c-section. I cannot start exercising fully until I get cleared by my midwife (Jan 14th) but until then I thought that tracking what I was consuming would be a good start. I take care of my child while my fiance works so I guess you could call it exercise I just don't know how to log it O.o I am very excited to join the local gym and work out with my fiance (i'll be losing while he works on gaining, it was horrifying weighing 100lbs more than him during my pregnancy). My goal is to lose 60lbs by my Nov 2015 wedding but I think I can do it within the next year or sooner (maybe even wear a 2 piece bathing suit in the summer!!) but I don't want to get ahead of myself. I look forward to seeing everyone's progress and encouragement!