Abject Fear

So... Here is my first post and for some reason I feel really exposed but here goes...

I am terrified of telling anyone when I lose weight or meet a goal. There has been so much failure in my past experiences with weight loss that I am afraid to admit I have lost weight. It feels like acknowledging the weight loss will ensure that I will put it back on. Anyone else out there have similar fears?


  • darkestdreams06
    darkestdreams06 Posts: 40 Member
    I have MAJOR fears of the same things! But I have come to realize, after gaining and losing over and over, that holding yourself accountable and putting your business out there to like-minded people is the BEST motivation and encouragement one can get!
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Can understand your reluctance and worry....but it isn't obligatory to discuss your weight changes or reveal your goals to anyone.

    Maybe looking back at your previous unsuccessful attempts could be viewed as lessons to be learned from......maybe you went too hard at reducing calories or took up an unsustainable exercise regime. No matter what, the main point is that you are back in the ring and having another go....the only time anyone really fails is if they never pick themselves up and try again.

    Remember, you are the most important person in this story. It is your health and happiness that you are trying to improve upon and what anyone else thinks isn't important....have faith in yourself and take one day at a time.

    All the very best.