New to the site, looking for some frends/motivators

Hi everybody I stumbled across this awesome site a couple of weeks ago and read some of the posts people post on here. I think it's fantastic how so many people are going through the same life change and are so encouraging. Anyway I was looking for some friends or anyone who wants to talk about the dramatic changes we're all under going. All my friends in real life are all healthy and fit so I don't have anyone to talk about the journey there. If you're interested drop me a message or friend request. Looking forward to meeting all you wonderful people :smile:


  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    I completely understand, My friends are overweight and trying to lose weight (half assing it) or just don't really care about it now because of youth and being "too busy". This forum is great for me to keep focused. With 50 more lbs to lose, I am more determined than ever, because it is attainable. Keep at it and always stay positive.