Ticker trouble

Hi I am totally new and tryin got set up my profile and such. The ticker keeps forcing my start weight and current weight to be the same. If I change one they both change to that number. Help?


  • Could it be because I am trying to do it on the same day? I lost weight since my highest, which was about 300, and that is where I want my ticker to start, even though today, as I am making my profile here, I am actually 279. Am I able to do it the way I want to?
  • Yes. On the "Check-in" page, go to "Edit previous entries". Add your starting weight to the date in the past. Keep your current weight to today. The default assumes that you are starting now.
  • jonmscharff
    jonmscharff Posts: 72 Member
    On the web app...go to My Home...Check-In...the select Edit Previous Entries...you will hen see your starting weight. Edit it there and you will be all set. ;)

    Good luck,

  • HAHA!!! Yeah ok It had to be on a different date. Thanks! All fixed!