Looking for friends...

...especially in the southeast Missouri area. At 42 years old (and single most of that), I'm a full-time federal Correctional Officer and National Guardsman. My exercise tends to be military-centric, including running, calisthenics, bar- and kettle-bells, martial arts and shooting sports. I'm currently teaching myself how to cook to support a Paleo (esque) lifestyle--it seems like I'm always asking for recipe advice!

I'm also a big nerd--both for science (working toward my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology) and in general (with a penchant for Japanese cartoons I picked up when I was stationed on Okinawa for three years in the Marine Corps). I speak beginner Japanese and Mandarin, my Latin is very rusty, Spanish half-remembered from Junior High School, and just a touch of Hebrew.

While I do want to lose a bit of weight--it's getting harder to make my military weigh-ins!--I really want to be eating healthier and improve my general fitness.