Going on a month of my weight loss journey :)

So after reading various posts on here I thought it would be helpful if I joined in to find others that can help me stay motivated. I've added a few others to MFP but none of them keep up with it or they complain about their weight but eat nothing but fast food 3x a day :\

The start of my weight loss journey began 32 days ago when something in me just snapped. I looked at myself in the mirror, and while I've always been disappointed in what I saw, I decided I was finally going to do something about it. I've always been heavy so I guess I just got used to it, and I've always told myself I was going to exercise everyday and eat better but that would last a whole 2-3 days. This time when I made the decision to get healthy I told everyone I know. I told my husband, my family, friends, anyone who would listen to me really..something I had never done because I was always so embarrassed to talk about my weight issue, especially with my husband since he is very athletic. This definitely helped me hold myself accountable and so far I have exercised for 32 days straight and counted my calories everyday. I began by just walking on the treadmill for 30-60 mins, then I added in workout videos from fitnessblender.com and now I'm on my third week of T25 and have lost 15lbs as of today :)

Anyway, I'd sure like some support from others who are going through the same thing. My starting weight was 245 (gah, I know), and my short term goal is to lose 35-40lbs by the end of january, and my long term goal is to lose 100lbs in about a year :)