Sleek September Sixers Week 2



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Evening ladies. I've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning today. I've worn myself out but so glad that general house cleaning burns calories!

    Kiddo's soccer practice went great. Having never played before, the noon time sun and heat wore her out, but I was proud of her for keeping up as much as possible. She improved SO MUCH during the practice, having never played before. I was a proud soccer mama!

    I'm off to pay bills, do dinner, pack lunches, get outfits ready for school and work tomorrow, bathe the Kiddo, and hopefully she will CRASH tonight and we can both get some sleep!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Hi everyone... Been MIA all weekend. Going to the ortho doc on tuesday. Being on my feet all day is making my left leg swell a bit by the end of the day. YUK. (the knee i feel on about a month ago). I spent the weekend staying off my leg which means i did very little. Then of course I don't get my calories or exercise in. I have a few friends who are stress eaters but i am not. I tend not to eat and when i do it's not food that is good for me or only 1 big meal in a day.
    Cathy- did you find a place or do you have to move?
    Lauryn- cute pic! At your daughters age it is "herd ball". LOL 20 kids running around a field.... Toooo cute, still have memories of my own children.
    To everyon else---- Hope the weekend went well with everyone.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning... we don't have to move. we are moving to be closer to shanell and the girls and town. it's a long story on the house we want to rent.

    did nothing but eat all weekend. shanell you are looking really good. i am jealous of your strength. i don't want to weigh in tomorrow, but to face the scale is to face what i put in my mouth. i keep looking for the magic solution and there is none. it's on my shoulders no one elses. i know what i need to do. it's just doing it. need to change my habits. not all at once just one at a time. the remainder of this challenge will be to eat under calories. next challenge will be to add a exercise routine.

    i have stressed myself out so much over the house. i was sick to my stomach yesterday and have been awake since 4 this morning and already felling ill and have a headache. if i have not heard by this afternoon i will send an email giving a deadline. if i heard by than it's over. i can't wait any longer.

    well, off to do so surfing and than get the day going, cleaning, laundry.....

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Sorry I have been so MIA. And really, I may continue to be that way this week. Kadence's party is this coming Sunday and I still have lots to do! So, if I'm not around or seeming out of it, that is the reason. Next week I will be off the boards until probably Wednesday. We have the holiday Monday and then Tuesday Kadence has her one year shots, so I decided to take the day off and spend it with her. So, may need to start the thread next week since I won't be hear.

    As far as dieting/exercising, I haven't been great and I haven't been horrible. I get in some running when I can and haven't been counting calories, but think I'm doing okay. I weigh myself every once and a while and don't seem to be gaining, so we'll see what weigh-in brings tomorrow. I'm just hoping to maintain through Kadence's big celebration and then kick it into high gear!

    Well...better get started on some work. Hope you are all well!!

    Oh! And for week 3:
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Ok sorry for being MIA just a bad weekend with lots of work and very little time. Plus was babysitting for a friend, so had 2 - 2year olds running around. Luckily they love playing with each other.

    I am stress eating right now and need to stop, I am going to try and ask myself why I am eating something before I put a bit in my mouth, so we will see if that helps. Looking forward to this week, not quiet as much work,so hopefull will get to spend some quality time with the family.

    Will do personals later, take care sixers.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Sandy, these teams are pretty small. 6 kids per team, only 4 on 4 during the games. They are so cute though. I can't wait to see them play!

    Cathy, I'm so sorry about the housing situation. That is truly awful!!!

    Kristin, if they haven't mentioned it and things haven't changed, you might want to give her Tylenol before the shots. Mine recommended it 4 years ago... but that was before all the recalls and whatnot. I sobbed during her shots, although she only cried for a minute or two.

    Tracy, maybe before eating, you demand that you drink an 8 oz glass of water? Maybe that will help you feel full and cut back on the binge eating? Or like my therapist told me, binge on carrots and grapes and healthier foods. Good luck!!

    AFM: Back to work today after my two week medical leave. I'm feeling better, just still tired. I'm currently single, which has eased a lot of my stress and binge eating, much to my surprise. Kiddo is in school for her first full week this week. It was bitter sweet to drop her off at the curb this morning. I wanted to walk her in but knew it was best to let her go in herself and learn that independence. She's just so tiny with that huge bookbag on. My sweet little baby!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    quick update. just got my call we got the house. so need to go out and find boxes. need to pack and set up all the utilities to change names and rent the truck and tell my landlord to go. leave that to your imagination. than move this weekend. so if i don't check in for a bit that's why. don't know if i will have internet either for a bit.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, congrats on getting the house you wanted!!! Good luck with all that packing and what a great way to burn calories with a smile on your face!!! :smile: