Male waist size question.

So at the peak of my heaviest i was atleast a 40'' waist and weighed 285, and right now i weigh around 192-194 and a 31'' in waist. I still want to get to 185, maybe 180 and i was wondering if my waist would drop anymore than my current 31'' waist.

So with that, i was wondering if there's anyone out there that is like 180 and what your waist size is. I don't overly care if my waist doesn't get smaller...but i'm curious what an average size is for someone in that weight range and if i should expect to drop some. I sort of ask bc when i weighed 185 in college (no lifting but in decent shape) i was a 34'' waist, and when i hit 200 back in august or so i bought a bunch of jeans bc i fit into a 33'' waist and assumed i couldn't go any lower and now they're all huge on me, so i'm wondering if something similar will happen at 31'' or if 'm probably done dropping there.


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    It is going to be determined by your frame and how much muscle mass you have around your waist. If you're seeing veins on your pelvis area, you're probably as tight (small) as you're going to get there.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Based on your pic, you don't have much to lose. What is your body fat %? Maybe it's time to stop looking at the numbers on the scale. :wink:
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    It really depends upon both the cut of the pants and the combination of hip size in addition to waist size. I measure at a 33 inch waist but many of the 32-inch size waist cacky style pants fit quite comfortably. I dropped from 250 pounds (44-46 inch waist) down to 168 (my current weight). At 180, 34-inch pants were actually a bit too loose.

    Note: I spent almost all of 2011 at 190 pounds, yet my waist shrunk by 4 inches to the point where I could, once again, wear 34-inch pants.
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    It is going to be determined by your frame and how much muscle mass you have around your waist. If you're seeing veins on your pelvis area, you're probably as tight (small) as you're going to get there.
    This true. Although many dispute body styles like Ecto. Meso and Endmorph they do exist. If I were to get to 180 lbs. which would be max. according to weight scale my hip bones would be sticking out, unless I were an ecto or mesomrph. You look like a ecto/mesomorph. Dont worry about your waist just work a little more on upper body as it appears you have been.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    That's a good point I'm starting to see veins on my pelvis which feels good. I'm not obsessed w the scale but I do feel like I want to hit185 as my main goal so I can have lost 100lbs in total but if I can start to see veins that's probably a good point that I won't drop much more. I'm 13% bf right now per my scale so I know 180 is prob my absolute lightest I can be
