I need motivating friends!

Hiii! My Names Michelle, I'm 24 years old.. I've been with MyFitnessPal for over a year now. At first I was doing so well! I lost 30lbs.. And then I just stopped! I don't have any reasons why I stopped.. I just did! I'm getting Married June 7th.. 175 days.. And I want to feel beautiful.. And not worry about my back fat! Trying on my wedding dress gave me a boost of motivation.. I want this and I want it bad! So add me! Let's motivate eachother!


  • abloom33
    abloom33 Posts: 4 Member
    So weird I got married on June 7th 5 years ago!! Congrats!
  • chellyy_beann
    chellyy_beann Posts: 22 Member
    Thats crazy! Thanks so much! I'm really excited!
  • supaflyrobby
    Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, and feel free to add me if you like. I am a daily logger and poster
  • Mamastark12
    Mamastark12 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there,

    I was here for awhile, but then lost touch and am back again! I am 24, and looking to lose 45 pounds, for now. I am a stay at home mom, student and wife and am ready to take back my life. Looking for motivated friends, and ones with similar goals!