I cant stop going over..30 lbs away from goal, 80 lbs lost



  • I am in a similar situation. I have noticed that life has been getting in the way of my fitness goals as well. Myself, I have taken the plunge so to speak and put my calories to maintenence for the holidays. And, whatever I exercise I am not eating back the calories. I have not fit a whole lot of exercise in lately, but a funny thing happened to me. I lost weight anyway. Maybe my body needed that shock, or maybe it really is true that to lose weight you need to eat more, but whatever it is, it is working right now. I at least try to fit in a ten minute workout or something to keep active. Don't give up!! Start new tomorrow.

    I know what you mean about eating more to lose..but what I know is that my eating has taken a turn for the worse combined with less activity..eventually the scale will go up again lol. I just dont want to backslide..Keep up the good work! You inspire :)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Here's what I think (God help you - right??) . No time like the present.

    If you don't have time for full workouts, do minis. Ever jump rope for 5 min straight. It will kick your *kitten* if you aren't careful. Or how about 10 minutes of abs every morning (this I do). Or how about clenching those butt cheeks together on the way to school (I do this on the way to work) or maybe adding in deep knee bends brushing your teeth and wall squats after you use the facilities. May sound silly but all those little bits add up to a lot :smile: . 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, you burn more calories than you think. I have tons of ideas for mini workouts (they are also very stress relieving) so if you want ideas, let me know :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! I decided last night its time to pull my mini treadmill out of the closet..if I cant go to the gym,, the gyms gonna come to me lol. *hugs*

    I didn't see this... you have a treadmill! Start walking and running today! I am so jealous -- I wish I owned one.

  • I feel for you! I'm an older adult who went back to college, plus I have a job -- my exercise dropped way off when my classes started again.

    School, a baby, a break up, all add stress and pressure. But you can do this. Love yourself and look for positive ideas and motivation in small things to add to your life.

    Can you buy a stationary bike and use it in the evening instead of binge eating? If that's not in your budget, you might look on Craigslist. A lot of people buy exercise equipment, almost never use it, and sell it at incredible discounts. I could kick myself because I had a great stationary bike, never used it, and gave it away for free in the newspaper just to get it out of my house. That's something quiet you could do at home while the baby sleeps.

    Im gonna pull out the treadmill today. Thank you for this :)
  • its a very dinky one lol, Im almost six feet tall! BUT~ it kicked my *kitten* last winter when I was stuck in the house because of the snow...so I need to start using it again lol. Craigslist is great, I hope you get one too!! :)
  • You can do it! Climb back on that horse and do it. Show your ex what he has let go off! Not tomorrow, not next year, NOW!

    I thought about sending an "after pic" in about 6 months...sweet revenge? lol
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    You can do it! Climb back on that horse and do it. Show your ex what he has let go off! Not tomorrow, not next year, NOW!

    I thought about sending an "after pic" in about 6 months...sweet revenge? lol

    Or walk past his job/school/house very casually, looking hot as hell.... for extra effect, some nice arm candy ;)
  • You can do it! Climb back on that horse and do it. Show your ex what he has let go off! Not tomorrow, not next year, NOW!

    I thought about sending an "after pic" in about 6 months...sweet revenge? lol

    Or walk past his job/school/house very casually, looking hot as hell.... for extra effect, some nice arm candy ;)

    well..when he moved out he went back to CA..3,000 miles away from me :( But a pic can say a thousand words!!!
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    You can do it! Climb back on that horse and do it. Show your ex what he has let go off! Not tomorrow, not next year, NOW!

    I thought about sending an "after pic" in about 6 months...sweet revenge? lol

    Or walk past his job/school/house very casually, looking hot as hell.... for extra effect, some nice arm candy ;)

    well..when he moved out he went back to CA..3,000 miles away from me :( But a pic can say a thousand words!!!

    Suits him right...a nice casual picture 'look how much fun I am having at XYZ'....
  • JoanieGirl2492
    JoanieGirl2492 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 20 lbs from my goal - also having lost 80. I am having a rough time right now with the holidays. I try not to get down about it. I have gained back between 5-7 pounds in the past month. In reality, I am thrilled with that amount as I could easily have gained back 20!

    My advice is that you just do your best to stay within range and still track as often as possible. If you are the type of person who can start full force after the holidays (and let me tell you - you've lost 80lbs - you are that type of person more than you think!!!), then do it after.

    If not, just try your best - the progress will be slower this time, so be prepared for it. The vanity pounds are the hardest!!!

    Best of luck!!!!

    Happy Holidays!
  • sweetrunning
    sweetrunning Posts: 35 Member
    Yes Start now and feel free to add me as a friend for motivation. Also, if you just cut most of the that sugar out for even a day you will probably be motivated to do the same day on again and again. It's when you let loose and think 1 is o.k. that's fine, but then think 2, 3, and get to 10 cookies, that's when I suffer! Good luck and just say you will have one day that's under and do that today! yOu can do this!
  • I am 20 lbs from my goal - also having lost 80. I am having a rough time right now with the holidays. I try not to get down about it. I have gained back between 5-7 pounds in the past month. In reality, I am thrilled with that amount as I could easily have gained back 20!

    My advice is that you just do your best to stay within range and still track as often as possible. If you are the type of person who can start full force after the holidays (and let me tell you - you've lost 80lbs - you are that type of person more than you think!!!), then do it after.

    If not, just try your best - the progress will be slower this time, so be prepared for it. The vanity pounds are the hardest!!!

    Best of luck!!!!

    Happy Holidays!

    Thank you so much! and Thanks for the add!!! You rock :)
  • Yes Start now and feel free to add me as a friend for motivation. Also, if you just cut most of the that sugar out for even a day you will probably be motivated to do the same day on again and again. It's when you let loose and think 1 is o.k. that's fine, but then think 2, 3, and get to 10 cookies, that's when I suffer! Good luck and just say you will have one day that's under and do that today! yOu can do this!

    Thank you! friend request sent! Thank you to everyone who has sent requests, I always accept awesome people! This site has changed my life because of all the wonderful, selfless, kind people! xo