Recovery from eating disorder-Healthy amount of exercise?

Hi everyone... I'm currently in recovery from anorexia, I've been at a healthy weight for about 9 months now and following my meal plan for the most part for about 10 months, and I'm beginning to add in exercise. I was in an outpatient program until August, and spoke with my nutritionist about exercise at the end of my time there. We'd agreed that 5 days a week for one hour was a reasonable amount of exercise for me. Two weeks after I finished the program, I got in a car accident and hadn't been able to go back to the gym. I was cleared by my physical therapist a little over a week ago to exercise.

I've been going to the gym about 1.5-2 hours a day, half cardio, half weight training. I recognized that it was something that was starting to produce anxiety for me to think about not going to the gym, so I talked to a therapist about it, who talked to an exercise therapist. She essentially said given me being at a healthy weight and following my meal plan, I could do cardio 4-5 times a week, 30-45 min each, and weightlifting 2-3 times a week, about 30 min each.

So in the end, both the exercise therapist and nutritionist said around 5 hours a week is healthy. However, I'm having a difficult time accepting this. I used to be a ballet dancer and trained a minimum of 2.5 hours/day, 6 days a week. While I recognize I'm no longer required to maintain a certain level of fitness for my career, I still feel like my goals are different than most people. I'd like to be in really good shape, not just average-I'd like to legitimately "train" and be the best I can be.

I won't be able to talk to my nutritionist about this until next month, so until then I wanted to get some feedback. Does anyone have any experience being in a situation like this, or understand how much exercise is potentially healthy? I realize I should probably stick with 5 hours a week until talking to my nutritionist again, but I want to get an idea of what I can expect as time goes on and I get healthier and more fit.
