Hot Yoga Calorie Burn??? this is crazy

I just read on another site that this website will help you calculate your calorie expenditure when doing hot yoga. There is NO way. It says that I burn over 1300 calories (in 90 minutes). While I know that I work hard, that can't be right. Right????


  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    (btw, I'm "counting it" in my journal as regular yoga)
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    I've hear Bikram Yoga burns CRAZY cals somewhere in that range but I don't know the exact amounts. Hoping people will post an affirmation that it does indeed burn that many cals. Regardless of how many cals you burn, doing it regularly will make you one hot Mama!
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    If it's like power vinyasa yoga, then it's in a heated atmosphere that helps you to sweat more easily and increases it.

    The forums on that site have a woman saying "I lost 6.4 pounds and I lost 3.5% of my body fat…" she also mentioned she had only been doing it for ten days and sw was 230.

    Not sure about the 1300 calories but I know when I used to leave the power vinyasa classes I was in that were heated I would be soaked with sweat. Also felt great and lighter after those too, I would lose about 2lbs a class in the beginning so I know that's a ton of calories burnt. Not sure what it works out to though.
  • ginaluck
    ginaluck Posts: 10
    i take heated yoga, 90 min class with my heartrate/calorie watch and i burn 400-500 calories depending on the poses. just do it! you will become addicted, in the good way. the flexibility and long lean muscles you will develope are so worth it!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Part of it is because you're sweating so much. So when you do this, make SURE you're drinking TONS of water before and after (and during!). I've done a quick search and it appears your calorie estimate is correct, about 630 cals an hour., obviously depending on wieght. Maybe strap on a HRM and see what it says, if you have one...or if someone else has one?
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    A lot of the weight lost after a session of hot yoga is due to your body sweating lots of fluids; essentially you're losing water weight. You don't burn 7K cals in 60-90 mins to burn off 2 lbs of fat. Hot yoga or not, its more meditative so your heart rate doesn't get high enough for it to be a large calorie burner. I did Bikram yoga for 60 mins and according to my HRM I only burned 119 cals (I'm 5'9" and was 141 lbs, so anyone weighing more would probably lose more, but not 10x more.... ). Hope this helps!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    A lot of the weight lost after a session of hot yoga is due to your body sweating lots of fluids; essentially you're losing water weight. You don't burn 7K cals in 60-90 mins to burn off 2 lbs of fat. Hot yoga or not, its more meditative so your heart rate doesn't get high enough for it to be a large calorie burner. I did Bikram yoga for 60 mins and according to my HRM I only burned 119 cals (I'm 5'9" and was 141 lbs, so anyone weighing more would probably lose more, but not 10x more.... ). Hope this helps!

    I do yoga, its not in a heated room but either way I always get really hot and sweaty from it, my heart rate also gets up too, I dont yet own a HRM, but I feel I get a pretty good workout from my yoga class, ill be excited to see exactly how many calories it burns when I do finally get a HRM
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    I believe it! I wore my hrm on my wrist my friend the instructor let me and I burned 918calories. And before when I was bigger it was 1173 so it's true!!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    My friend was in hot yoga (don't know if she still is or not) but the point of it is to sweat a bunch.. I'm not sure how positive the long effects of weight loss are from this though since as most people have mentioned, it is water weight. But you have to keep up hydrating yourself since you are sweating so much.
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Oh, I definitely know that any "weight loss" during class is loss of sweat. I'm dripping sweat walking in the room!! I overhydrate the day before, the day of, and the day after. I'm trying to do twice a week since I run too. I'm completely crazy--but love it!!! I have rheumatoid arthritis and the heat really helps loosen my joints. To be honest, I have to modify some poses, but the instructors work with me on that and I feel so much better afterward!

    So...we don't really know? lol btw, my current weight is 193.
  • antwanjr2
    I do two variations of hot yoga and thats Hatha, which is like Bikram and Vinyasa which is like regular yoga.
    I wear a HRM and the least amt of calories I have burned per class is 500 in a 60 min class. Vinyasa is a flow class and I thinks its more challenging to Hatha. It depends on the instructors also. I alwasy get a great workout and gaging by my HRM, I am getting an aerobic workout each and every time.