Advice for 5k training plan



  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've had great success with the Endomondo training plans. It tailors a plan based on current performance, and gradually ups your mileage.

    A typical 3 day a week Endomondo 5k plan may look like (after ramping up mileage slowly) -

    Monday - long, slow run - 10k at 'marathon pace'. For you I'd guestimate a 13 minute mile.
    Wednesday - intervals - 7 intervals at a fast pace interspersed with marathon pace 'rests'. Total distance including slow warm up and cool downs about 5 miles. For you, probably a 9 minute mile very fast past and 13 minute mile rest pace.
    Friday - short tempo run at a comfortably hard pace. Probably about an 11 minute mile. 2 miles tempo, 3 miles warmup and cooldown for a total of 5 miles.

    I like the Endomondo plans because they adjust with me, and take the guess work out. The only time I've been injured is when I ignored the plan, like just the other week when I decided to turn my 10k into a 10 miler just for sh!ts and giggles and aggravated my ITB. When I had to skip a run, Endo automatically reduced my mileage for the following week and started ramping me back up again.

    Whatever you choose to do, take your time and ramp up the mileage slowly. Running puts a lot of stress on the body, and you need to give yourself a chance to adapt.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hi. Id like to echo something someone else said- run outside and not on a treadmill. It's completely different. The treadmill moves the ground for you, yet outside you have to push off yourself and so use slightly different muscle groups to do so. If you train solely on a dreadmill then you're going to be an awesome treadmill runner, but that does not completely translate to running on the road. When you're ready though- running outside can be a bit daunting.
    Also if you gradually increase distance, your speed will increase naturally too (to a point).
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    Have to agree with a lot of what has been said. Increasing distance is a good place to start and running outside is preferred but running on the dreadmill with a 1-2 incline is a decent substitute on occasional.

    I would also add that swimming and cycling on your non run days will help too.