i hate this feeling

Okay so I normally allow myself 1 cheat day a week, however this weekend ive had two due to a family get together for a birthday.

right now I literally feel so **** about it all, and I know most people will say tomorrows a new day and everything but I cant shift this feeling of guilt and regret, its pathetic I know but I was wondering if anyone else had this?


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No. Get a grip.

    Bet you fancy a donut though
  • EllennD
    EllennD Posts: 96 Member
    No. Get a grip.

    Bet you fancy a donut though

    thanks for your comment that helped a bunch, nott
    seriously I was just asking for advice not sarcastic comments
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I know most people will say tomorrows a new day and everything but...

    but what? there's no other option. you can't take back past actions, you can just move forward. In the long run, 2 days means nothing.
  • I think when you consider the grand picture, two days versus one day is not a big deal. You spent time with family and friends and enjoyed yourself. You won't always be able to do that.

    If you continue to feel this way about food, perhaps you should work with a mental health professional to develop a more balanced attitude toward eating.
  • I had a couple "cheat days" (or at least days where I didn't log) in a row when I was visiting my parents a couple weeks ago.

    To make myself feel better about it, I was a little more strict with myself in the few days after (staying ~100 calories under my daily net goal) and added some very light cardio, just walking around the block, to those days also.

    Unless you're eating something like 3500 calories per cheat day, there won't be enough of a difference to make a huge dent in your overall progress. Even if you are eating that much, it won't put you "back" more than a week or so goal-wise.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No. Get a grip.

    Bet you fancy a donut though

    thanks for your comment that helped a bunch, nott
    seriously I was just asking for advice not sarcastic comments

    Why do you assume I am being sarcastic? If you feel so bad about it, then do something about it. Otherwise, why beat yourself up over something which you can't change. You haven't killed anyone.
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    Unfortunately, what's done is done. I understand the feeling of thinking you've blown all your hard work. The only thing you can do is get back on track. If you know you are going to feel so bad about 2 cheat days, maybe do a little better planning if you know ahead of time; cheat a bit less over the 2 meals than you would for 1 meal.
  • I totally get how frustrating it can be when you "let yourself cheat" for more than you planned, but is it really cheating? Food isn't your enemy; it's fuel for your body. And maybe you overindulged a little bit. That's okay. You acknowledge that a mistake happened, and now you have to acknowledge that you can't make it UNhappen. All you can do is let it go and move on. Easier said than done, I know, but that's all it really comes down to. Don't let yourself be scared of food. Enjoy food! And know that while moderation is key everyone overindulges once in a while, it's NOT the end of the world. :) You'll be fine. Just get back on the metaphorical horse and keep going.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Um, really, it's not a big deal unless you plan to eat like that for the rest of your life.

  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    I don't take cheat days, but I do find every so often that I have way more calories than my target. I had two of them this week, on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, we had a team lunch so I didn't really control the food choices, so I ended up with more carbs, and then more carb cravings. On Friday, I seemed to be just continuing with those cravings, and I consumed 1000 calories above my target.

    But Saturday was a new day, and I was good. I did not beat myself up for Thursday and Friday, because I know that I can get back into the swing of things with one good day. Also, even with 1,000 calories extra on Friday, I recognize that it takes 3500 to equal a pound in the long term. So two bad days still gives me less than 1 pound, once it has all settled, been digested, passed, and absorbed.

    I just made sure on Saturday that I followed a little bit stricter routine -- e.g., my breakfast sandwich had 1 slice of bread instead of 2, half as much ham as I normally use, etc. My favorite go-to snack is yogurt, but it adds up, so I made sure I limited my yogurt on Saturday. I made sure I had lots of protein and fiber and kept my sugar under control. I made sure that I was below my caloric target on Saturday as a way of putting myself back into the right overall trend.

    In other words, my comment is the very thing that you said: "I know most people will say tomorrows a new day and everything but... "

    There is no "but" about it. Tomorrow's a new day.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    The feelings of guilt and regret after eating are problematic. Get a hold on that now before it turns into something more.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    No. Get a grip.

    Bet you fancy a donut though

    thanks for your comment that helped a bunch, nott
    seriously I was just asking for advice not sarcastic comments

    I think you have to let go of things you cannot change. Other people's reactions, the past. You know, that kind of stuff.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No. Get a grip.

    Bet you fancy a donut though

    thanks for your comment that helped a bunch, nott
    seriously I was just asking for advice not sarcastic comments

    I think you have to let go of things you cannot change. Other people's reactions, the past. You know, that kind of stuff.

    Don't listen to her. She knows nothing...
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Did you log on the cheat days? If so, take a look at just how much of a surplus you ate. 3500 = pound. If you normally have net 1500, and that is a deficit for weight loss, I assume your maintenance is 2000 - 2500. So, you would have had to eat 5500 - 6000 on a day to gain a pound. Even if you did, that is only one week to make up. Knowledge is power; if you don't log your cheat day, your imagination can run wild. I don't have cheat days, but I do have times that I consume more than my target (sometimes lots more). I don't worry about it because when I look at the trend, I see that it doesn't matter. Tomorrow really IS another day!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    If you allow for things you love within your calorie goal daily you wont have the issues of binging on 1 cheat day. These 2 days are not going to kill all your efforts, move on and continue as you would, it really isn't a big deal.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    People who eat 1-2 salads a week think they should be losing weight.
    People who eat 1-2 cheat meals a week think that they'll gain weight.

    That's not what it's about at all.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    All the above. If you really can't shake the guilt and regret, then it's time to re-examine your relationship with food and your goals and methodology. Life happens, and we can't always control it. What we need to be is flexible.

    Also, check out the current MFP blog featured post: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/2013/12/12-tips-for-a-more-healthful-holiday-season/ - some great tips for surviving when we're expected to sit down with friends and family and break bread (and other, more calorific food and drink!)

    Don't beat yourself up about something that has already happened. You need to deal with these feelings of guilt and regret. Else they'll turn to despair and defeat, and before you know it, you'll be back here, in a year's time, wanting to lose all the weight again.

    Good luck.
  • ann_cheryl
    ann_cheryl Posts: 2 Member
    My advice... Take a step outside, look up at the sky, take a deep breath and admire this awesome world we live in (maybe take a walk if you want to), while you're out there resolve to get back on track and leave the guilt and pain OUTSIDE, then turn around and go back into the house... and continue your wonderful life. Oh and do wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a great BIG hug - always love you for you.

    I understand your feeling because I'm living with a little guilt of my own right now - haven't been to the gym in a week. Gotta go... I'm gonna change that right now! I think I'll follow my own advice :smile:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Based on your ticker and height, you are at a perfect weight for your height. I know it says you are working on losing more, but I hope you look at your expectations for yourself. These two days are going to mean nothing for you. It's not about tomorrow being a new day, it's about these two days not being bad or harmful. A lot of people at healthy weights are interested in body composition, and I'm not judging you for caring about the way you look. But there is nothing here for you to feel bad about. You are a young woman, at a healthy weight, who spent some time with loved ones and hopefully enjoyed herself.
  • EllennD
    EllennD Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you for the supporting comments, unfortunately I was unable to log what I ate as it was a restaurant with no indication on the calories so maybe I am just overthinking that and you all have made me rethink this, I may have been loosing weight nearly a year but I am still learning so I really do appreciate your comments :)