Looking for Friends in the Same Boat as Me

Hey everyone,

So I was on myfitnesspal for sometime but then fell off. I am finally taking the steps to get back at it. I am tired of feeling the way I do and want to take my health into my own hands. After gaining about an extra 10 pounds instead of losing or maintaining I finally realized that I don't want to be that overweight 21 year old anymore. I want to be like every other 21 year old girl. I want to look into the mirror and think to myself damn I look good. I don't want to put on clothes and look into the mirror and change because of how I feel or how I think I look in that outfit. I just want to be able to walk into a room with confidence and self esteem. And I think the best way for me to do that is to be in a community much like this one that gives me support for my goals!

So if you are out there in this community and looking to lose 100+ pounds please friend me. The more people that I can connect myself with who are in the same boat as more I think the more I will be able to accomplish.

Thanks everyone!