Is self-awareness dead/dying?



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    You're fat, shut up. I out lift you^

    So much beta itt.

    Well, a sign of a beta is that they try to attack an alpha in order to get a rise out of him in order to temporarily be seen as the alpha.

    You'll get it some day. :flowerforyou:

  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    Awareness or concern about the affect you have on others while walking, driving, talking on cell phone, standing in line, playing loud music, etc.

    In other words... is concern over whether you are inconveniencing or imposing on others dying?

    Nope, not dying. Cold and dead, no chance for resuscitation.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Op is a phaggot
    Awareness or concern about the affect you have on others while walking, driving, talking on cell phone, standing in line, playing loud music, etc.

    In other words... is concern over whether you are inconveniencing or imposing on others dying?
    Op you effect me.
    You make the worst threads. Why? No troll, no hate, but you're threads are absolute garbage. Why not lift, or read a dictionary.
    Op is a phaggot.

    So... You're thinking 'no'?
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Dying. I see to many people that dress up in pajamas to go shopping.

    I HATE this. It's one of my biggest pet peeves.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Op is a phaggot
    Awareness or concern about the affect you have on others while walking, driving, talking on cell phone, standing in line, playing loud music, etc.

    In other words... is concern over whether you are inconveniencing or imposing on others dying?
    Op you effect me.
    You make the worst threads. Why? No troll, no hate, but you're threads are absolute garbage. Why not lift, or read a dictionary.
    Op is a phaggot.

    *ahem* It's "your"... Maybe follow your, you're, ur? (phuck it) own advice?

    Good catch!
  • nicenhealthy
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    Op is a phaggot
    Awareness or concern about the affect you have on others while walking, driving, talking on cell phone, standing in line, playing loud music, etc.

    In other words... is concern over whether you are inconveniencing or imposing on others dying?
    Op you effect me.
    You make the worst threads. Why? No troll, no hate, but you're threads are absolute garbage. Why not lift, or read a dictionary.
    Op is a phaggot.

    Are you in middle school? These are the kind of comments I usually hear from that age range.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Op find my thread.

    Is this an attempted hijack??

    If so, that's a really self-centered thing to do.
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    I thought I was the only one who still practiced the art. I cannot count how many times I get rammed into at the store because people aren't paying attention and I have to ninja myself out of danger.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I thought I was the only one who still practiced the art. I cannot count how many times I get rammed into at the store because people aren't paying attention and I have to ninja myself out of danger.

    Are you sure they aren't doing it as a conversation starter?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    It's been dead for quite a while now
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Op is a phaggot
    Awareness or concern about the affect you have on others while walking, driving, talking on cell phone, standing in line, playing loud music, etc.

    In other words... is concern over whether you are inconveniencing or imposing on others dying?
    Op you effect me.
    You make the worst threads. Why? No troll, no hate, but you're threads are absolute garbage. Why not lift, or read a dictionary.
    Op is a phaggot.

    Are you in middle school? These are the kind of comments I usually hear from that age range.
    LOL some bb misc guys that havent grown up yet.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    Op is a phaggot
    Awareness or concern about the affect you have on others while walking, driving, talking on cell phone, standing in line, playing loud music, etc.

    In other words... is concern over whether you are inconveniencing or imposing on others dying?
    Op you effect me.
    You make the worst threads. Why? No troll, no hate, but you're threads are absolute garbage. Why not lift, or read a dictionary.
    Op is a phaggot.

    Are you in middle school? These are the kind of comments I usually hear from that age range.

    Seriously. It's time to go to bed and let the adults talk.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • leftyjace
    leftyjace Posts: 304 Member
    I think there's serious evidence about what I'm talking about right in this thread.

    But I could be wrong.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Ahh! I get it now. Being Self-centered.

    Well, I try to be polite to people, especially service workers that I come in contact with daily, because I would rather be a pleasant part of their day than a negative one. That is why I always smile to people working at the gas station and say "Please" and "thank you" as well as asking them how their Morning/Afternoon is going. Then the door holding thing, which I think is just basic manners.

    And when in heavy traffic and a vehicle, especially semi-trucks, are trying to merge over into my lane, I will slow down and let them get over rather than refusing to give them an inch.

    Very nice of you
    I like to think that things like that, while not specifically making someone's day better, can at least prevent them from having additional negative points.
  • ZombieGeezUs
    I think there's serious evidence about what I'm talking about right in this thread.

    But I could be wrong.

    Quite the contrary. You've only had one *kitten* so far.
  • leftyjace
    leftyjace Posts: 304 Member
    I think there's serious evidence about what I'm talking about right in this thread.

    But I could be wrong.

    Quite the contrary. You've only had one *kitten* so far.

    True, if you take that percentage as emblematic of the rest of society...

    Well, it's still too high, IMO.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I think there's serious evidence about what I'm talking about right in this thread.

    But I could be wrong.
    Quite the contrary. You've only had one *kitten* so far.
    True, but it IS the weekend...weekends are slow around here.