What is your idea of clean eating?



  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member

    Im not sure how this relates to "clean eating"?

    Everyone has a completely different view/definition of "clean eating". I don't say I "eat clean". I choose to predominantly eat foods that promote good health in the body. I eat mainly fresh produce, stuff without ingredient labels - the majority of my meals is based around protein, good fats and vegetables. Most of the food I eat with a label is minimally processed and could be homemade from fresh ingredients. I buy and eat the best quality I can. I feel better eating this way.
    I still enjoy other food, but it has to be good quality.....example, I'll eat an amazing chocolate cake made by a really good cake maker, but not a chocolate cake from the supermarket.

    Just info to read. Didn't think it'd hurt anyone. Sorry if the extra knowledge offended you :flowerforyou:

    It didn't offend - I've just seen it posted on a few posts about clean eating and hadn't actually read it before! I was expecting something more scientific, about why making better choices wasn't good for weight loss, haha.
  • Someone asked, "What is wrong with wheat?" Well, lots of people are finding that they are either wheat or gluten intolerant. Scientific studies show that our gut hasn't changed much since the beginning of time, and as people living in caves, we didn't eat wheat -- that is a more modern addition to the human diet. Also, a lot of women find that in their 40's or so, eating wheat makes them bloat up (but that might also have to do with too much sugar in the diet and not taking probiotics). For my own body, not eating wheat has made a huge difference. My skin has cleared up, by body has shrunk (measurements are more important than weight, as muscle weighs more than fat), and I just feel better.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Im not sure how this relates to "clean eating"?

    Everyone has a completely different view/definition of "clean eating". I don't say I "eat clean". I choose to predominantly eat foods that promote good health in the body. I eat mainly fresh produce, stuff without ingredient labels - the majority of my meals is based around protein, good fats and vegetables. Most of the food I eat with a label is minimally processed and could be homemade from fresh ingredients. I buy and eat the best quality I can. I feel better eating this way.
    I still enjoy other food, but it has to be good quality.....example, I'll eat an amazing chocolate cake made by a really good cake maker, but not a chocolate cake from the supermarket.

    This is our household too.
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    My idea of clean eating is to cut out all processed foods and cook my meals at home. Trying to use fresh ingredients as much as possible, as well as making sure my diet is rich in lean proteins and veggies with some good carbs in the mix too.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Someone asked, "What is wrong with wheat?" Well, lots of people are finding that they are either wheat or gluten intolerant. Scientific studies show that our gut hasn't changed much since the beginning of time, and as people living in caves, we didn't eat wheat -- that is a more modern addition to the human diet. Also, a lot of women find that in their 40's or so, eating wheat makes them bloat up (but that might also have to do with too much sugar in the diet and not taking probiotics). For my own body, not eating wheat has made a huge difference. My skin has cleared up, by body has shrunk (measurements are more important than weight, as muscle weighs more than fat), and I just feel better.

    I'm glad you feel better without wheat, but there are a lot of inaccuracies in your statement. Not sure what you mean about our gut not changing over time. Both the shape of the intestine and the gut flora have evolved. Its shape has changed as we evolved, from a longer digestive tract needed for a plant-based diet to a shorter one that is better able to deal with meat and cooked foods. I can't imagine how one would quantify the gut microbiota of an animal that lived thousands to millions of years ago, but evolution of our symbiotic communities happens all the time. Shoot, the migration of Homo sapiens can be traced by the strain diversity of a common stomach bacteria (Helicobacter pylori). We could argue microbiota vs. microbiome and community structure all that jazz but its Sunday and I'm tired.

    The percentage of people with actual gluten intolerances is fairly low (about 1% of the population, though the number of those claiming to be intolerant has skyrocketed as it has become trendy to be so). Also, wheat has been milled/cultivated for over 10,000 years.

    tl;dr version: eat what you want and makes you feel good, but don't base it on bad science. :flowerforyou:

    As for 'clean eating', I hit my macros, get my nutrients, and then if there is room left over for doritos, sweet! If not, no biggie. Everything is going to have a downside if you dive deep enough into it (hello, toxic acid whey generated by my beloved greek yogurt!). I would say that 80% of my diet is non-processed, home cooked/grown foods. The rest is ice cream and wine.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    And do you follow it?

    Here is mine:
    -no wheat - I find this hard to do because so many things contain wheat
    -no pop - easily done
    -lots of veggies - easy! I love veggies!
    -no sweets except for dark chocolate - hard, especially around Christmas time

    So it means conveniently accepting the foods you enjoy and getting rid of the foods you didn't care about?
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I wash my food before I eat it :happy:
  • jelineee
    jelineee Posts: 81 Member
    raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts are what i consider "clean"