Dining hall...

I'm honestly having such a hard time. Senior year of high school I was 5'2", and 133. I counted calories and exercised and did everything right and got myself down to 120 in a few months time. I was so happy and proud and maintained my weight, until I got to college. Now, all the dining hall food and snacks everywhere are ruining me. I can't control myself for some reason. I'm always eating tons of white pasta and cookies and tater tots for dinner and lunch and going way over on my calories. As a result, I've gained back the weight and then some. I'm pretty disappointed at my lack of self control. I guess I'm just wondering if any of you lovely people have any tips for saying "no" to all the cookies and candy and just food everywhere that I never had to deal with at home. Or anything else, really :D


  • Fishshtick
    Fishshtick Posts: 120 Member
    I hate to say it, but managing your environment is pretty important to weight control for many people and college dining halls and dorms are terrible for this. Your best bet is to move out to an apartment ASAP and do your own shopping so that you can manage your food environment. In the interim, try to get some healthy snacks into your dorm room and eat one of those with a huge glass of water before going to the dining hall.
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    It happens to the best of us! Like the last person said, it could just be availability. The other thing is, are you managing stress properly? do you treat yourself for your hard work at school regularly? Some people like to go shopping, go to the movies, or even choose ONE special calorie treat. I personally like to get a massage now and then because it treats the symptoms of stress so well.

    I guess my point is treat yourself...with something you work for instead of what's seemingly jumping in your lap.
  • Yeah, I can't wait for next year to be able to cook my own food and take control again. But I've still got another semester, and I don't want to double my freshman fifteen lol. It'll be great though to get back into normalcy then though. Thanks for the advice!
  • I go to school for engineering, so it's definitely really rigorous. I think I'm eating as a sort of stress manager.. Carbs make you happy :) I'm definitely going to try to figure out another stress reliever though!
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    Sweet; I'm a math major, so I totally empathize. I hope you find something you really enjoy :)
  • FranceyPants
    FranceyPants Posts: 98 Member
    I go to school for engineering, so it's definitely really rigorous. I think I'm eating as a sort of stress manager.. Carbs make you happy :) I'm definitely going to try to figure out another stress reliever though!

    When I started uni I also ate to relieve stress. Then I joined the gym and exercised for stress instead. It makes you feel better about yourself, controls your appetite and makes weight loss easier.

    Are you exercising? Maybe join a team sport! That's always fun :)