Starting 2014 off right now.... Motivation Needed!!!!

So I want to start my new years resolution off now.
I need tons of motivation/advice/adeas....anything I can get to keep going.
So in the spirit of honesty here are my biggest vices and barriers :frown: ;

1. I love sweets.

2. I love bread and pasta.

3. I recently tried brusselsprouts and love it, but am sadly finding that green veggies have a really negative side effect (anyone have a solution so I can keep eating these???)

4. My job is sooo mind draining I just want to sleep when I get home, I also have to wake up at 6am to get ready for work :ohwell:

5. I added all my weight from grad school and a car wreck, my metabolism is shot out, my muscle seems to all be gone.... besides walking...I feel like I dont know where to start. :cry:

6. The weather has been raining and cold.... Goodbye Motivation to walk.

7. I havent been this over weight in over 10 years........ I feel like I am a lost cause somedays. :brokenheart:

8. In a new relationship, he is awesome and supportive of eating healthy, but I am guilty of always celebrating with food.

9. Christmas is coming.... so here come the sweets. :love:

10. I am under a lot of stress right now and I am a stress eater. :embarassed:

Thanks for any comments and motivation.

Feel free to share your vices as well!!!!


  • edenburnin
    edenburnin Posts: 11 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.
    I just have yelled at myself for not losing anything lately.
    One of the people on here said motivation only happens a little bit. You have to keep going and doing something even when you don't feel motivated.
    I have myself doing some sort of exercise every night before I go to bed, squats, crunches, plank, something.
    I have a wall calendar I write it on every day so my goal is not to miss a day.
    Also, chewing gum, drinking a lot of water when I feel tempted. Instead of reaching for the sweet I do one of those instead. If I still want something after limit yourself.

    I haven't had the problem with green veggies. You might want to talk to your doctor. :)
    Keep in contact with other people
    Also ask yourself what is more important, seeing yourself as a healthier person or that bite of whatever it is.
    And you're not a lost cause I was the same weight for about 10 years too and my doctor asked me what I was eating . My blood pressure was high, I just didn't feel healthy.
    That was about 6 years ago. For me the journey has been slow. But this is for the rest of my life and I have to remember that.

    You are doing great if you are thinking about being healthy.
    That's one step in the right direction.

  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks lady!!!
    I love the calendar idea!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    So I want to start my new years resolution off now.
    I need tons of motivation/advice/adeas....anything I can get to keep going.
    So in the spirit of honesty here are my biggest vices and barriers :frown: ;

    1. I love sweets.

    2. I love bread and pasta.

    3. I recently tried brusselsprouts and love it, but am sadly finding that green veggies have a really negative side effect (anyone have a solution so I can keep eating these???)

    4. My job is sooo mind draining I just want to sleep when I get home, I also have to wake up at 6am to get ready for work :ohwell:

    5. I added all my weight from grad school and a car wreck, my metabolism is shot out, my muscle seems to all be gone.... besides walking...I feel like I dont know where to start. :cry:

    6. The weather has been raining and cold.... Goodbye Motivation to walk.

    7. I havent been this over weight in over 10 years........ I feel like I am a lost cause somedays. :brokenheart:

    8. In a new relationship, he is awesome and supportive of eating healthy, but I am guilty of always celebrating with food.

    9. Christmas is coming.... so here come the sweets. :love:

    10. I am under a lot of stress right now and I am a stress eater. :embarassed:

    Thanks for any comments and motivation.

    Feel free to share your vices as well!!!!

    1) I lost 40 Lbs + eating sweets...learn moderation and portion control.

    2) I lost 40 Lbs + eating pasta and bread, etc. If you don't have an allergy to these things, there is nothing inherently evil about them. Again...moderation and portion a balanced diet and hit your calories and macro goals.

    3) Get plenty of veg...4-6 actual servings per day (85 - 100 grams per serving)...your body will adjust to the increased fiber intake

    4) Exercise rejuvenates and energizes...and if it makes you feel any better, I'm up at 4:30 or 5:00 to get the kids ready and myself ready and then I have an hour commute each way to/from work everyday...I still rock my nutrition and crush my fitness.

    5) I highly recommend resistance training to help maintain your muscle mass...when you diet you lose muscle along with the fat if you don't make efforts to preserve it. Muscle retention will help boost your metabolism at rest. Weight training is ideal but you can also do body weight just need to make sure you're doing an actual program that is intelligent and progressive for the results...just willy nilly lifting some weights or cranking out some body weight squats or whatever isn't going to do much.

    6) Winter is tough...I really put my focus into the weight room this time of year as I don't particularly like cardio machines, etc. I'm a cyclist and try to just get out a couple times per week right now if the weather is nice...but really I put most of my work in the weight room and do some cardio on Saturdays at the gym after my lifts. Remember that your weight loss is going to be primarily about diet...use your diet for weight control; exercise for fitness.

    7) Don't focus on the weight or some arbitrary number on the scale. Focus on your health, your nutrition, and your fitness. Strive to be better today than you were yesterday and sleep well in the knowledge that you will be better tomorrow than you were today. When you focus on the results, you rarely see the change; focus on the change and you always see the results. This has to be about sustainable life change, not just trying to drop some Lbs.

    8) I often celebrate with food...but I hit my calorie and macro goals. Food in and of itself is not the enemy. Learning moderation and portion control is essential during your is essential to maintaining health long term.

    9) Don't treat the entire Christmas/Holiday season as a reason to eat into oblivion. Be mindful of what you are doing. You can have sweets...but have a cookie instead of 20 cookies. Don't go back for seconds and thirds...just enjoy the food on your plate and be done. Enjoy the holidays and learn moderation...there are always going to be holidays, birthday parties, random neighborhood BBQs, and other social events that involve food. You don't need to practice need to practice moderation if you want to deal with these events realistically. Ultimately, it is not about these isolated events anyway...these are's about what you're doing most of the time that matters, not what you're doing on an occasion.

    10) I used to be a stress I just lift heavy things and put them down and ride my bike and swim and walk and run, etc. Exercise helps immensely with stress...not only in letting it out in the moment, but ultimately it just calms the body, mind, and spirit. Sitting around and doing nothing besides eating when stressed is like damning up an already stagnant pool of water...nothing accomplished except more stagnation.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Great responses to each of my struggles!!!

    Thank you sooo much for posting!
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    1. Figure out how many servings of "sweets" you have per day. Reduce it by 1 serving per day per week until you reach a manageable level that doesn't interfere with your caloric goals.

    2. Same as above.

    3. Learn to love farts.

    4. Try meditation, and a multivitamin/

    5. Start here:

    6. Get rid of the excuses. Motivation is optional, determination is required.

    7. Stop dwelling.

    8. Make new ways of celebrating. Get your new man friend to join you in activities.

    9. Enjoy Christmas sweets in moderation, for example, one sweet treat per party.

    10. I am under a lot of stress right now and I am a stress eater. embarassed
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Great post!!!!!
    I think my biggest struglle recently is definitely the stress eating...mixed with the holiday parties...NOT A GOOD COMBO! :drinker:
    Thank you for your post!!!
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    All it takes is one year to get everything back on track. I was in your shoes at this time last year. I started my weight loss journey in January 2013 and reached my goal this month of losing 90 lbs. Anything is possible. Just take it one step at a time. :)
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    All it takes is one year to get everything back on track. I was in your shoes at this time last year. I started my weight loss journey in January 2013 and reached my goal this month of losing 90 lbs. Anything is possible. Just take it one step at a time. :)

    WOW....that is definitely encouraging!!
    I love seeing people who have been in my shoes and succeeded!!!