For those on Atkins...

What do you keep in your fridge and cupboard consistently? I want a list of foods to use as a quick go to....TIA


  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    I did Atkins about a decade ago. Are you talking about snacks? Pork rinds were a nice, quick snack. Cheese was big for me. Different nuts.

    I ate more salad on Atkins than at any other time in my life. You just have to avoid the high-sugar dressings out there. Go to the grocery store and read the labels.

    As an aside: The one thing that Atkins didn't teach me was portion control. The diet itself limited my calories greatly due to the fact that it's very high-protein and high-fat, which made me feel full almost all of the time. And, of course, limiting carbs will obviously limit calories. I never had to count calories on Atkins, and the weight came off quickly. If you do Atkins, I would caution that if/when you decide that you no longer want to do it, be mindful that you can gain all of the weight back if you don't have a different plan of attack. I know that I did. I've lost over 30 pounds this time the old-fashioned way: Limiting my intake and exercising, but it's been a whole new learning experience.