An Encounter

CinthyNair Posts: 261
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I had an interesting encounter yesterday. I had gone to the gym, and was coming out of it after my workout. I walked pass a nearby restaurant, and overheard a conversation between the men at a table. They were commenting about how Fat people are wasting their time to exercise, cause they will never succeed, why do they even bother, etc etc ( I guess the conversation came about after seeing me). Imagine that, there I was just worked my butt off doing 1 hr of cardio, and burnt 500+ calories, and I hear this comment. I didn't confront them, but I silently thought to myself ... 2 yrs from now I will be at my goal weight and on maintenance mode, and will be healthy inside and out, while these guys (althought were slim and stuffing their faces with loads of food on the table) will probably be at the hospital getting an angiogram! Hmmph! After this incident, I am more than determine to show them, that FAT PEOPLE CAN CHANGE TOO, if they put their mind to it.


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    "If they put their mind to it" That is SO true. I am so Proud of you for not letting a couple of Self-Centered, uneducated people mess up your day. They could have a Harvard education, but had not ONE ounce of Common Sense or compassion.
    Keep your Focus on YOU~~where it belongs~~and you will be at your Goal Weight before you know it.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    I get direct comments.

    Or, I get, "Eww that fat guy was looking at me." (i'm not a creeper)

    Or I get people coming into my work asking for, "The fat guy with the long hair."

    These are just 3 I get on a regular basis.
  • loonpine2
    loonpine2 Posts: 44 Member
    People are cruel... but don't let what they say get you down. Your only 64lbs to your goal. Look how far you've come. Your doing awesome! Keep it up.. Prove them wrong.. work out enjoy the challenge of proving them wrong!
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